From April 2, 2014

God entitled this word, "GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS"

Rejoice all ye who fear the LORD, for your time is come. My fruitful BRANCH shall arise and lay hold of those things I will assign to you. This is the hour to plug in and behold all I do. Yes the new I do this day. Spring has arrived and though is not apparent outwardly, I do an internal work first, that which is hidden, veiled, then it shall manifest outwardly — My show, My grand display of what has taken place beyond the limit of human vision. 

I AM That I AM and My greatness shall be shown on behalf of My faithful ones. It is they who come before Me and plead the case and the cause of the poor, heavy laden and down trodden. They seek not the trinkets and rewards of this world, but have stored up great treasures in heaven. Have I not said that I will reward them who diligently seek Me? Yes, those who sought not to put themselves on display, but spoke as I gave utterance, said only what I said say. My hidden ones, rejected and cast away, who cling to every word spoken in the secret place and held on tightly — I will not disappoint.

To them who sought men's platforms, you have received your reward, just as the Pharisees of old, who sought to wear their prestige on their sleeves, who failed to lift their hands in praise of Me. You brood of vipers, hypocrites, truly your reward will be as such. 

To My children who erred and sought Me in repentance, know that My words to you hold true. They that repent shall still be rewarded for I count forgiveness as though the transgression never took place. That's the God you serve. Go and sin no more, I say — take up thy bed and walk. Walk according to My commandments, My statutes and do justly, what is "right" in My eyes, not man. For I see the heart of the matter. Though I was displeased, I find pleasure in sincerity.

Now all shall be revealed, your work on open display. Honor or dishonor, truth or deception, shall be uncovered this day. For My people need to discern between what is right in My eyes, not according to the doctrines and traditions of man. 

I will be served and worshipped according to My desire, what is due Me as your God, for I have those who will worship Me in Spirit and in Truth, the mighty few who will forsake it all just to follow Me. 

The time of reckoning is past. Judgment and sentencing shall be administered by My hand. Attribute it not to satan, for I Am God and Sovereign ruler of everything. Even he is on My leash and used to accomplish My will. 

The end of all things is come. The beginning of a new day dawning. Many shall rise up in Me and put on My robes of glory. Others will choose to remain in their tattered wares and seek the desires of the flesh and the world, which will bring about utter destruction. 

Tell My children to seek Me in everything. It is important to be before Me as I release divine instruction which will lead them as they ought. I Am the LORD. It is I who accomplishes My word. In this hour much of what I have spoken shall surely come to pass. 

To those who think they know the times, seek Me to be sure you are not deceived. A thousand years is as one day to Me, so time can surely run out quickly. Don't find yourself on the other side of My timing. 

I Am the LORD and I change not. I still require a holy people, a righteous lot. My purging fires shall produce just that. I shall purge the earth of sin and My righteous ones, My spiritual Israel shall prevail. For they are My people and I Am their God. 

I shall call to My first election, answer, heed, and do all I say. The time of transformation upon you, for I have sons and daughters who will walk according to My very breath, by every word I speak that proceedeth out of My mouth. 

This is My finest hour. Make sure you are on the road that leads to heaven — for I Am the God of the greater, not the lesser. Greater works shall be done in My name. Greater for Me, greater from Me. 

I have spoken it , truly it shall come to pass. This is the word of the LORD.

Psalm 33, Isaiah 43:19, Matthew 6, Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 103:10-13, Isaiah 12, Matthew 23, John 5:8, John 8:11, 2 Cor 3:13, Malachi 3:16-18, John 4:23-24, Isaiah 61: 10-11, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8, 1Peter 2:9




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