From April 23, 2013

Goodness shall befall my chosen, my faithful ones, like never before. My word says because you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. 

Prepare for breakthroughs, insurmountable breakthroughs, so much more than you could imagine. I keep My words to My children. Enter in My child, the time of rest and release is upon you; has come. You have been found worthy to sup with the Lamb, My chosen, My elect! 

You have been tried. You have been tested and yet you have remained faithful, and I and the Father are well pleased. Come now and receive of Me. I have good and perfect gifts that await you. 

I shall rain down fire from heaven to cleanse the filth from the land. In great measure shall the outpouring be, both of My wrath and of My spirit. Them who are in Me shall rise up in great glory and in My strength, and their enemies shall be slain. 

Yes, 1,000 may fall at their side, 10,000 at their right hand, but it will not come nigh you. Steady in Me is where you need to be. Remain in My presence. This is the time of great joy for them who are faithful, for others, punishment shall ensue and then I shall deliver them who I shall have mercy upon. 

This is the time of judgment, the great day is here, It is My time and My faithful shall sup with Me. Stay in My will, in My presence and watch My word penetrate every barricade in your life. The time is now. Soon there shall be no more toil, no more stress, worry or strain. 

Come now and rest and abide in Me until the time of indignation is past, says the LORD of Hosts, Yahweh, Yeshua.

Matthew 25:21, Rev 3:20, James 1:17, 1 Cor 3:13-15, Psalm 91:7, Isaiah 26:20


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