April 24, 2014

Yesterday, while in prayer, I had a beautiful encounter in the halls of justice of heaven. The Spirit of the Lord led me to plead the case of His faithful ones before Him, before His heavenly throne. Those who have been through the fire, those who have been through the flood, those who can testify of His promises who now need to change their testimony to how He has fulfilled them. 

God, the Father, sat as the judge and I proceeded with intercession in my opening statement and even testimony. The enemy, the accuser of the brethren tried to play the role of the prosecutor, but ended up as it should be, as the defendant, with the saints of God as the plaintiffs. The jury were the elders with crowns and robes. The bailiff was an angel.

The case was thoroughly pleaded in the courtroom, I was even allowed to give testimony. Near the end of the trial, the saints came in single file, some with handcuffs and shackles, some with orange jumpsuits. I can remember asking God how can they worship with their hands tied, how can they dance with their feet shackled? I even asked Him to change their garments that they may put on heavenly robes.

Near the end of my dissertation, the Father instructed me to approach the bench... Here is what He said:

My daughter, may I see counsel, come now and approach the bench. Come in real close, so you don't miss one word of what I'll say... Now, I lift My gavel and I decree, "CASE CLOSED," Case closed, you ask? 

Listen, listen to Me. Now hear Me, Beloved, I have heard all the testimony that you so eloquently brought before Me. I have heard the testimony of the saints as they make their way into the court room. Yes, the accuser came, and as you say, he is now the defendant. It is an OPEN AND SHUT CASE!

The court has ruled on the side of the saints (plaintiffs) and the sentence on the defendant remains. He is already sentenced to be utterly destroyed, But as you requested I am freeing the hands and feet of My children so they can worship me as they ought. ...

The law of sin and death is broken in Christ Jesus, the gift of eternal life is given to all who desire to be free. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I call witness today these very words that I speak from My seat in majesty. CASE CLOSED! 


  1. Wow I am without words... it took me some time to put these words in the text box.
    Alarming that one would be called to defend the saints, Awed that you did so eloquently. And, Lord Jesus' judgement is always just...

  2. Bless you brother RedBeard. I too am humbled greatly. God loves His children. He loves them so much. Be free beloveds, be free in Him. For God's justice far exceeds the minds of man. He has seen it all and has answered from on high. What we must do is stand. The blood already paid the cost, the penalty was the slaughtered Lamb and His name is Jesus!


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