Vision and a Word
From May 19, 2014

Vision while in prayer:

I saw a vision of the LORD seated on the throne. There was a lot of activity in the throne room. The angels were handing the Father pieces of paper and He read from them. I knew they were prayers and requests of the saints. The Father read them, looked them over and gave them to the angels. I then knew that they were now assignments to be carried out and that Abba said yes. I also knew that the angels were excited to carry them out. The throne room was charged with energy and excitement. 

Praise be unto our God — Yahuah Elohim!

Word from the LORD: He entitled it, "THUS SAITH THE LORD!"

You see, My daughter, did I not say that I would show you great and marvelous things? Keep your eyes affixed upon Me. This is the time of liberty, great liberty. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, but My children shall now witness the hand of their God who has prepared great and wonderful things. 

I, the Lord has spoken it. I, the Lord will accomplish it. Now, already — IT IS FINISHED, says God. 

No more shall My children be spoil to the corrupt systems of man. I shall clear and level every ill-erected structure from the church house to Parliament. Am I a God who no longer sees? All the threatenings of My children, when they only seek peace. 

I am lifted up to abase all that has lifted itself up before Me. My word will not return unto Me void and has already been released by My servants, My prophets. Yes, I still have prophets who consecrate themselves and speak forth the commands of the Most High God. If many had listened and hearkened, the direction needed would have been heeded. But because of sheer and utter rebellion, I now answer from on high. I shall have My glory, says the LORD and you will now know them that are mine. 

You dare to touch My anointed ones and think that I God not see it. You are marked for destruction, destruction from the Almighty. My hand is lifted to deliver My children and smite my enemy. Yes, My enemies, for any who come against them that are mine, come against Me, says the LORD.

They may seem feeble and defenseless, but I the Great Yahuah is their God. Who shall come against Me and win? Am I not Almighty? I have not ceased from being God, only have I extended My mercy in hopes that you would repent. Now the hand of God is lifted. 

My children, prepare for your exit. It is set. I have heard and am moved to act. All that you've asked in My name is granted from on high. The proud is cast down, the lowly lifted. Now, says the Father, NOW! I Am God, and My indignation is kindled against the rebellious. Does not My word say that I resist the proud? It is the meek who shall inherit, not the uplifted. But still My word says every knee shall bow. 

It is the edict of heaven and it shall be carried out. THUS SAYS THE LORD!


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