from June 3, 2014 

Ode (def.) a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling and style, varying length of line, and complexity of stanza forms; something that shows respect for or celebrates the worth or influence of another — HOMAGE

I remember My children now, Beloved.
Though My anger is kindled,
My love for them burns within Me.
Yes, I Am a God of great mercy,
For I am a God of love.

I have heard the prayers of My children,
Even for their loved ones, for the brethren.
I have seen the devotion in the heart of My Bride,
My Beloved.
I have watched as she waits for her Bridegroom
With eyes full of tears,
For the sorrow she feels for mankind.

I remember that sorrow
As I came to save a sin-sick and dying world.
Oh, she shares My heart, Beloved,
And My desire, the same for all of man,
That they might be saved and come to me in intimacy.
Her desire is for her beloved Husband.
She is no harlot, no adulterer,
But loyal, devoted, only with the desire for her Beloved.

The espousal of My bride comes.
I will join Myself to her, make her My very own.
She shall know Me like none other,
For her love is of the heart, inward,
And it emits outward
In the way she loves the brethren.

Behold, the Presence of your Beloved,
For I shall indeed visit you.
My reward is with Me.
You've done well to keep your garments untainted, unsoiled
From the stains and debris of this world.
I know it has been difficult to be so alone.
I Am with you, and will be with you
Until the very end, until My return.

Prepare yourselves to receive of Me.
For the fulfillment of My words come.
Be not dismayed, Beloved,
We shall all be together,

Your Beloved Bridegroom,

Yahushua HaMaschiach!

Then I started hearing the wedding vows... Dearly Beloved....


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