From July 30, 2014

Daughter, the hour is quite serious and time shorter than men think. Now as the events unfold, many a heart shall fail, many a heart shall be pierced and many eyes opened, awakened to the truth of who I really am.

The LORD of Hosts, I Am come to rescue My children, to tear down all erected outside of Me, to root out all that was sown by the enemy, to remove all that man has built and establish My church, My kingdom here in the earth. 

Many are deceived and many more have no idea who I really am. Do you know that they think they can outsmart Me, out-maneuver Me? How is this when I Am all-knowing, ever present, omnipotent -- GOD Almighty?

I come now in the strength of My wrath for the disobedience and utter depravity displayed by My children. It pains Me as well, My dear one, but unfortunately, the only language they speak is calamity. It's not until I begin to remove all they love and cherish that men seek Me. So you ask, is that really love and allegiance? Well, yes and no, but in Me there is great love and compassion and I am merciful to whom I will show mercy. All is set, in order. It comes now.

My daughter, wear your armor proudly for you are defeating the enemy daily. You are so consumed with My love that all you seek is Me. When you desire to hear My voice, how can I not answer? Oh, I love you so, your submission pleases Me. 

Look up, for your long awaited time has arrived. Swiftly I come and bring My hand of favor upon the lives of the faithful, My brilliant ones. Shine now, and let nothing or no one stop you from being the you I instilled in you. I cover you now and come to robe you in My glory.

( I asked if this was the time of resurrection, wedding at Cana...)

Yes, it is... Many speak of what is called the rapture, but as you know there are many, various assumptions about what that is.

Daughter, you perceive well. Again, do you think any of you are worthy to just escape and leave others to perish? Do you believe that I've processed My children in the fires of affliction to just leave and secure their place while others are left to die? No -- My greatest work will be done in the earth. It's time to purify My bride and harvest My crops. Then shall I return for you.

Concentrate, focus on soul winning. Be led of Me and you will see the greater works, the more you're looking for...


  1. Abner, what The Lord has explained to me is that there are many interpretations of the word "rapture." I can't say that I have it nailed down to the letter, but what I have come to understand is that He will protect His own while judgment is poured out upon the land. It reminds me of when God poured out His judgments upon Egypt and Israel was kept safely under His divine protection in Goshen.

    In Revelation 12, we are told that there is a place in the wilderness prepared for the bride. I believe this speaks of the catching away.

    We know that Christ will return for His bride. I also believe that there is a great work that God has planned for the bride to participate in this final harvest of souls and occupy until Yeshua returns.

  2. Christian Greetings,
    Just found your posts. They have been very enlightening. From my studies of the Word, I have found that there is no pre-tribulation rapture as many believe. The Church will be raptured or taken away when Jesus comes to take His Church- living and resurrected saints- at His second coming. This is the first resurrection. The wicked are slain by the brightness of His glory because sin can not exist in His presence. They will be resurrected after the 1,000 years spoken of in Revelation 20. 1 Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 20:4-6 . Make God bless us as we continue to study and stay close to Him.

    1. Bless you Deborah. Many have held to and debated about pre, mid, post, etc. more importantly, we need to make ourselves ready for the time draws near for His soon return. Yes, the time of His coming, His appearing draws near and the brightness of His coming shall consume the wicked 2Thess 2:8. Thank you so much for your share. Maybe anyone who reads this will be further enlightened. God bless you!


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