From August 7, 2014

This morning when I awakened The Lord was ministering to Me about the righteous. The scripture that immediately came to mind was in Psalm 34:15, The eyes of The Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. He also reminded Me that the prayers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16), as well as when David said that he has never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread (Psalm 37:25).

Here is a portion of what The Lord shared with me in prayer. Some is very personal, but I pray that what is shared will encourage His faithful ones, those He calls righteous.

O, beloved daughter, I awaited with such anticipation for you to speak the words that turned over in your belly, for from it shall flow rivers of life, eternal life; for you shall speaks the words that give eternal life. I said in My word that you shall decree a thing and it shall be established. It IS already established, beloved. Continue to lift your voice as a trumpet and pull them into your reality. Heaven IS your home. Welcome home. 

My child, My child, now put away your tears. I said that I would heal your broken heart and mend your broken wings. Will you fly away with Me to the place that I've preserved? Then, now, let us go and embark upon your new territory. This day, beloved, I have brought you out, out of the places of restraint and into my courts. You shall dance before the throne, oh with such joy. Just to be in the Presence of your King. I am the King of kings. I am The Lord of lords. I am Jehovah, the Great I Am. 

My love for you exceeds any you've known before and now I demonstrate it before all men. I have seen your labor of love. I have witnessed how you seek My face. Now I shall present Myself to you. You shall know Me as I am. You shall sparkle and shine, you shall be so glorious. 

I know the way has been hard with rugged hills to climb, yet you press into My Presence. I receive you now, My precious little child. Let me love you back to life... I breathe life, new life into you again, then you shall surely see Me as I am. I have given you great and wonderful gifts. Come and sit with Me while we unpackage them. I give good and perfect gifts.

The time of distinction, here, the time of restitution come. What's been planted grown, full term. Either a bumper crop or one that's burned in the fires of affliction. Time to reap as what's been sown. I am the Great Jehovah and I place within you the breath of life, new life. I am your life support and do not worry or fear. If I be for you, know there is none opposed. For I shall show myself mighty on behalf of My faithful. Look upon Me and live this day. 

I receive your sacrifice, I shall consume you with My love. My holy fire that shall ignite your lamp, the fire within shut up in your bones. When you speak, the words shall call all into order, yet you release them with love. 

Hosanna to the Son of David, who come to set the captives free. We are marching, ascending up to Zion, the lights shall burn ever so brightly from within. O My daughter, do rejoice for your time is now come. I know you've heard these words and look to place them in their proper place, but behold, now they are before you. Take My hand and you shall know that I have visited you. Your life will never be the same again.

Your Beloved Bridegroom, Yehushua Ha Mashiach!


  1. Replies
    1. Rebecca, The Lord does have a way with words, doesn't He? God bless you!

  2. Abner,

    I will pray for you, and no problem, I love to share...

  3. The word I've been given and pondering on for a week or so is "settled"

    Very fitting if you ask me. Jeremiah 25 is a chapter I have been reminded of lately. There have been words prayed over me similar to this that I have been waiting for, it's like I've been in Romans chapter 7 for to long waiting to proceed into Romans 8! I pray that this is soon, I am growing tired mind, body, and soul but I know for a certain that it is coming! Bless you my sister and friend in Jesus the Messiah!


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