August 25, 2013

Good morning Brothers and Sisters,

Please share as led by the Holy Spirit, so that others may be informed and encouraged in this hour. This is the time of great change, shaking and testing. It is a time of mercy and a trumpet — a shofar and call to repentance. Please remember that everything the Father does or allows has a redemptive purpose. It is also an hour of re-posturing and repositioning for the purposes of advancing the kingdom.

Please be vigilant in this hour. Go before the Father ready to receive. Whether it be instruction, rebuke or correction, be obedient to His leading. Pray and study Psalm 91, for God alone is our refuge. Be hidden in Him, brothers and sisters, for there is much ahead of us.

Remember that we must exhort one another in the faith. The kingdom comes and we enter in through much tribulation. REPENT, REPENT, REPENT for surely the kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Words from August 25, 2013

Write what I say. Be not alarmed My child, for it is well and it is written, that I God go forth on behalf of My beloved. Dear One, it all comes now, the good, the bad and the ugly. The series of events are in full swing now and those things I have spoken to you, no longer words but manifesting. 

Listen, My child, the bough has broken and the fruit shall fall from the trees, both good and bad. Persecution for doing My will, will come, but you are built to handle, to endure. All of this has been designed to train you in warfare and how to walk in Me when all else is adverse.

I am going to free your hindrances so you can now focus your affections, your attentions on your role in My purpose for the kingdom. Did I not say that your life will never be the same? Did I not speak that I shall bring to pass the breakthroughs and promises spoken? Did I not say that My word shall not return void? It is accomplished.

Prepare now, My precious one, for it all emerges, as I've spoken.

NOTE: The theme of the messages this week (in my notes) was breakthrough, blessings and transformation.

As I've said it, so it is. I said you shall know it. Is it not clear? Some things you just have to trust Me with. Just be ready. I shall prompt you. I've got this, let me lead, okay? 

Just keep your ear to heaven and your eyes upon Me. I've prepared you for such a time as this. The end comes, is here, and the events are the tell tale signs. The calamities increase now, and men's hearts will fail them. My shining ones hold the answers to life questions, rooted and anchored in Me. 

Keep looking up. Redemption has come. Many will miss this opportunity, but will have a chance through repentance. My chosen come now — to the forefront, the front lines. Prepare for battle, we take the land. It's time to occupy, occupy, occupy, says the Lord of Hosts. I am arrayed in My battle armour and I fight now. My children shall no longer be ashamed, no longer oppressed, no longer held captive to man made structures that impede their way. 

You ask of me why slavery, why racism, why oppressive structures? They are the Babylonian systems all based on greed and elitism, the same as the days of Hellenism and it is a sick smell in My nostrils. I had to bring My children into position, but I hold back no longer. Judgment comes now in full measure. For I tear down the self-appointed and lift up My appointed. My kingdom comes now, and not many perceive it, but it comes...

Now listen attentively. You shall hear the sound of My trumpet and you shall know that the time is here... Be still, but be not in fret or worry. It is at hand. Besides, would I do anything without revealing it to My servants the prophets?

Watch for the east and west coasts. I've alerted you, but it too comes. Much is on the horizon. With much grief I do this, but if not, many more will perish. Prepare. I will instruct you. I will provide for you. 

Your Lord Yeshua.


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