From September 15, 2014

"Listen and remain alert for there will be great shakings. The very foundations of some will be ripped out from under them. Man's work shall burn up in this hour. Wood, hay, stubble, destroyed in the fires, the fire of My coming. Be mindful of others for many will need love and support. Many will be broken by the realities that will be revealed in this hour, but I come to judge and pass sentence upon those who say they bear My name.
The sinner doesn't profess to know Me, so they are judged by a different standard, but those who say they bear My name are measured by My word, which doesn't alter or change. There will be rumblings and disruptions among the churches of men. My festivals bring and carry revelation of who I am in each season as it speaks to My redemptive character. Yes, all that I do is with regard to who I am, the LORD God, Yahuah, the Great I Am.

No longer will I be reduced to man's interpretation. To some I will be revealed and highly revered. To others I will be a destructive force for I am a consuming fire who looks to receive a pleasing sacrifice. No more of this stench that is offered up to Me. It smells like dead flesh burning before Me. It is a stench unto My nostrils and I reject it. 

Daughter, write this down. It is a witness to what I am about to speak, what I am about to do. My vessels of honor are prepared as well as My vessels of wrath. The bible says that I judge the just and the unjust. Hear the word of the LORD today... the just shall live by faith. And faith is pleasing to Me. 

I shall be great to those who have laid before Me and allowed My purging fires to cleanse and sanctify them unto Me. But for those who refused My correction, My leading, great suffering shall come upon them suddenly and in great measure. There is a price to pay for disobedience, defiance and rebellion to a Holy God. I will no longer allow My name to be defamed and despised. Many mock Me but that will be no longer as I show and prove Myself mighty in this hour. 

I know that you don't really know how to process all of this, just know that I share these things to make you aware so that you will be prepared for what is to come. 

How soon, you ask? Now, daughter, now — I said that it has already begun. The signs, the evidence shall soon emerge. That which is hidden shall be exposed. My light will shine upon that which has been obscured bringing all to light. That which is already light will shine brighter. That which is darkness has the opportunity to receive the light. 

There's no more time to waste. The separation begins. The wheat from the tares — threshed! There is much to do and much will be accomplished now..."


  1. HI Abner, Greetings to you in Brazil. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, the petitions of your children come up before you. In your word, you instruct us to confess our sins to one another; pray ye one for another that we might be healed, that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. We know that the only one who is righteous is Yeshua, and because of Him we are the righteousness of God. Abner has requested prayer. You and you alone know the details and depths of that petition. We ask daily and know we receive for it is the will of the Father to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us, that we may be counted worthy to receive the kingdom which is coming down out of heaven and to stand as citizens of New Jerusalem. You know the plans and purposes by which you created Abner and without a doubt all that you have planned shall surely come to pass. May the thoughts that you think, and the words that you have spoken over Abner's life be realized this day and every hindrance to your perfect will be abolished in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the cross as the example of the way that we should take and the crown of victory that awaits every overcomer. We bless your name, Father and give you the glory for what is already done. Give Abner the strength and courage by your grace to finish this race, the one you set before him. We rejoice in our sufferings knowing that this light affliction is producing in us an eternal and exceeding weight of glory. For you alone are worthy of the honor, the glory and the praise. We ask, of you, knowing that we receive. We thank you in advance to your answer to prayer and that it shall manifest quickly with evidence and signs following, in Jesus' name. Amen.


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