September 27, 2014

Know there is no falter in Me, so there is none in you. Heaven directed prayer shall yield that which I desire now into the realm of the earth, where you reside. The two places shall now meet and My will be performed. As it is already in heaven, so shall it be in the earth. 

The promises of God are YES and Amen, according to My desires spoken forth by My decrees, carried out by My obedient ones. Agreement brings forth blessing, when in agreement with Me. I shall bring together My covenant ones and they shall harmoniously pray forth and touch and stand in unity under an open portal in heaven and bring it forth into the realm of the natural. 

My stage is set. It’s time for My arrival, My grand debut, and grand it shall be. My heavenly ones shall rejoice, for they will see, they will perceive the great move of heaven. It’s time to pursue the places promised long ago. It’s time to recapture dominion already rooted in My sons. 

I shall call to My very own and the Me on the inside shall stand up and report for duty. You see, within a people I preserved a part of Myself. Them that are chosen, chosen in Me before the foundations of the world were formed. Chosen to reach nations. Hidden in the earth for a time. Now My time is come.

Prepare to witness that which the eye would never imagine. The seeing is beyond the flesh, but behind the veil. I shall expose Myself through divine and supernatural encounters with My creation. Behold, I AM. Just as I revealed Myself to Moses, so shall I reveal Myself again. 

It is a time of consecration, and preparedness. Put away folly and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance brings restoration and reward of blessing. Know and perceive your appointed times, they are written in the holy scroll. Let no man deceive you, for even I forewarned that man would change the times, but them that are seeking Me according to truth have such knowledge. 

Ask about that which you don’t understand, and be careful not to mock, for My hand will be heavy upon those who touch My truly anointed ones, even with your words. Words carry weight in this season. Ask Me to bridle your tongue and be the guard over such, so that you not reap errantly. You will begin to see immediate results. So speak words of life and reap life, prosperity and blessings, riches stored up in heaven. 

Man’s ways are not My ways. Seek to learn of Me, buy of Me gold tried in the fire that will produce purity and righteousness, for fool’s gold shall fail in this new season. 

I Am that I Am and I shall speak from My holy mountain. They that have an ear to hear shall hear and heed all that I say. I Am the LORD.

Matthew 6:10, 2Corinthians 1:20, Matthew 18:19, Ephesians 1:3-5, Romans 13:11-14, Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 34:13, Leviticus 26:40-42, Rev 3:18


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