A TRUMPET: To the Wise and to the Foolish... TAKE UP A LAMENTATION

January 28, 2015

lamentation: (H7105: qiynah) lamentation, dirge, elegy, a mournful song.

"My children do err and worship that which I instructed them nought. Each make and erect symbols to worship and call them by My name. How can this be so? How can it be? Am I the Holy One of Israel contained in the imaginations of man or the wanderings of their hearts? Am I who is Holy to be combined with that which is not? 

How can we heal the loathsome sore among My people? Not only is the head sick, the whole body is sick and none are delivered. They continue in their weekly meetings and sideshows and think that I am present. They say I go into the presence of the LORD, but do I live within thee? 

O' beloved, how deceived we've become. My people have gone a whoring and attribute My name to their harlotries. NO MORE. NO MORE. I HAVE SEEN IT, yet they think it hidden from Me. The tears of My beloved who loathe this world are before Me as well as the stench of what is offered up on My altars. Am I such that I would receive refuse? 

O peoples of the earth, who has beguiled you or is it the lusts of your wicked hearts that led you astray? Did I not say that it is I who know the hearts of man, yet you set before Me your pretense and outward displays covered in the world's fineries.

It is time that you acknowledge who is Lord. Either I am Lord of all or Lord of none at all. No longer will I look upon your waywardness. Either serve Me or the gods of your making. I have a dedicated few and I will use them mightily. Yes, I am merciful, but don't be fooled, I know all who are sincere. 

I have called for repentance. Have you bended your knee in repentance? Have you sought My face, for my hand is withheld where I am not present. No longer will you think to only gain and give nothing. Yes, these people talk a good game, yet their hearts are far far away from Me. 

Behold, people of the earth, My indignation is to the full for your utter disregard for My commandments. If you love Me, you will keep them, where you falter, My grace will keep you. Yet you pick and choose what you will do. How far have you fallen from the truth. If I stood before you, you would not know Me, for you do not honor My word. The first commandment... I am the LORD your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me... Every infraction is a transgression of the first. 

Return to the ways I have set before you. Now I set before you a choice. Choose life or death, blessings or curses, My way or your own. Choose wisely, for you will live out the consequence of your choice. Don't let man fool you and tell you that I will bless your decisions. The ones that carry blessing are tied to My purposes which will now be accomplished in the earth. I DO NOT REWARD DISOBEDIENCE. The willing and obedient are the humble and contrite and they shall eat the good of the land. 

Now the sword, for I sever what is from what is not. You cut off the good to receive the wicked. You call righteousness evil and wickedness righteous. Who have taught you to do such things? I say touch not the unclean thing, and you do just as I instructed you not to do. I say do not take on the practices of the heathen, the pagan and you wallow around in the muck and mire. 

O people of the earth. Do you not know your God? Truly it is not the one you created and serve in vanity. I Am Holy, be though holy. Your righteousness is as filthy rags. Come and buy of Me gold that must be tried by fire to ensure its quality. Of what quality is yours, beloved? Many avert the way that I have made. IT IS THE CROSS. It is the ONLY way, the NARROW way. Find it before the destruction of the broad way consume you. There is no more time. Come into the Ark of safety. Put away your harlotries and mingling in the world for I come to establish My kingdom and I will offer it up to the Father. Within are the green pastures. Within are the still waters. Within is restoration of your soul, but without are they who cannot inherit My kingdom. Counted among them are the fornicator, idolaters, adulterers, whoremongers, they who I have named unworthy of the kingdom of God. 

The kingdom is not something you acquire in the world. How so when I said, "Come out of the world." The world hated Me, but loves its own. If you are loved by the world, then you are of the world. My light bearers, My priests despise the world and love the principles of the kingdom. I empower them to live according to My ways, yet they suffer for the cause of Christ, and from many of you who call yourself Christian. I seek disciples. Who will COME AND FOLLOW ME? Who will lay down their lives and receive what I have to give, or will you hold on to that which you think that you've acquired? At what cost? Did you not know that your soul is at stake? 

So, I sound this trumpet this day. The day of the LORD shall ensue. All that is not erected in Me shall be removed. I shall build upon My Foundation. I call forth My workers, My foundation layers. The kingdom of heaven comes. 

Zion rejoice, for your King has heard your cries. A distinction now shall be made. Many desire to know Me and I shall answer them. Be not deceived o' religious ones. Without a relationship with Me, all else is vanity. Come and ask of Me, seek My face, not the face of man. I speak to every one individually, if you but ask. 

I have measured and found you wanting. My correction is My love. I shall correct those that I love. Despise not when I speak. Let not your heart be hardened. I desire none perish, but all come to repentance. 

Now REPENT for the kingdom comes, says the LORD of Hosts.

Jeremiah 7:29
Cut off thine hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.

Joel 2:1
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

Ezekiel 21:2-5 (suggest entire chapter)
2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,
3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:
5 That all flesh may know that I the Lord have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more.

Jeremiah 7, Isaiah 1: 4-6, Hosea 4:12, James 1:14, 1 Samuel 16:7, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8, John 14:15, Revelation 2:5, Exodus 20:2-6, Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Isaiah 1:19-20, Matthew 10:34, Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 5:20, Isaiah 52:11, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Jeremiah 10:2, Leviticus 11:44, 1 Peter 1:16, Isaiah 64:6, Revelation 3:17-20, John 14:6, Matthew 7:13-14, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Psalm 23, Revelation 22:14-15, Galatians 5:19-21, 1Corinthians 6:9, John 15:18-19, Matthew 19:21, Matthew 16:24-26,  Hebrews 3:7-19, Hebrews 12, 2 Peter 3:9, Matthew 3:2 


  1. Oh Deneen, God sounds so exasperated with us - just fed up. I am so sorry for the role I have played in pushing him to this point. It sounds like I am going to have an opportunity to see those un confessed sins. I pray we will all have one more chance to kneel at His feet and beg the God of all Creation for mercy and forgiveness.

    So many of the other messages have been warm and loving. I needed to remember that even the most loving of fathers has a limit beyond which he will not be pushed. Sweet Jesus, we beg for mercy!

    1. Donna, He truly has been lonsuffering and we have continued on in our rebellion. But there is a time when we all are held accountable. I desperately oray to be of His pleasure, of His delight and that all would do the same.


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