From January 19, 2015

This morning I had yet another brief dream. While in prayer, I received a word and have been instructed to share both.


I visited an assembly. Upon arriving, I knew that I did not want to be there. There was a young lady who saw my hesitation and said to me in the dream that I did not want to go in there. I went into the building. In the entry area, the narthex was a bar. It was set up like a lounge and they were serving alcoholic beverages. 

I saw the pastor with a bottle of Petron (tequila) in his hand and a glass. I looked at him questionably and he told me that he could handle drinking every day. The women were dressed very scantily, in club attire, with exposed body parts. 

The choir lined up and I remembered getting in line with choir, but upon marching in, I got out of the line. In the sanctuary, the pastor's wife sat on the front row in a dress with no bra, with all of her breasts exposed. I saw someone I knew in the back row with her bible open. I sat in the row in front of her briefly.  

End of dream.

I believe the dream is self explanatory and its interpretation evident. It speaks of the waywardness and drunkenness amongst the saints. While in prayer, I asked the Father why He keeps showing me these things. I prayed for the lost, the lukewarm, the body of Christ and felt such remorse for the things we do that sorely displease the Father. He began to speak and gave me this word to share:

"I will expose them. I will expose them. I will expose them for they put MY NAME to an open shame. They regard not My way nor those I send to them. Out of mercy and goodness I warned and warned and warned, yet their involvement in the corrupt things of the world far outweighed My desire to bless them. They think the work of their bloody hands bring Me glory. What about those they've slain when they withheld the truth of who I Am? How can others be delivered when you yourselves are not? Did I not say that every man shall give an account?

WOE says Yahweh, WOE says the LORD. 

Your desire for your name to be famous among man, and written in your programs that I hate has deceived you. Did I not say that you should pray that your name is written in the Lamb's book of life? Did you ask Me? Did you come to inquire? Many would be surprised to know. 

I am not a God of sinfulness and drunkenness and reveling and lewdness. Who is it you serve when you do such things? It is not I. I Am HOLY, HOLY HOLY and I change not. I have trumpeted My words through My messengers, yet you bypass them for words of corrupt prosperity and abundance that is lacking. Am I not God, Creator of all things? Time after time, I have warned My creation about serving the gifts and not the giver, yet satan gives gifts to his own. For when you serve and worship the created, you serve him. 

Now I come to make an end of all this corruption, for My kingdom comes and it shall be an eternal kingdom. My light bearers have laid down the briberies of this world and stand ready to serve Me. They refuse to be a part of your worldly social clubs. They hunger and thirst after righteousness and I will fill them. Yet they pray for you. They cry out for you and ask for mercy. 

No longer shall I tolerate your waywardness, your defiance. I am God. Is obedience beyond what I should ask? Ah, yes, but free will. It's not so free when it is not Me that you choose. Everything has a cost, My beloveds... Everything. But the one to serve Me has great and eternal reward. I instructed you to set your affections on things above, then I would show you great and marvelous things, things that would cause you to desire to know more. Yet you defy Me. 

What choice do I have, for am I not just? My children know of what is to come, yet you won't listen to them. You stone them with your words, you delete them from your circles and mock them, just as you did My Son when I sent Him to you. You crucify Him afresh with all of your abominations and you think I receive you.

REPENT, REPENT in dust and ashes. REPENT and receive My goodness. REPENT and return to the way of the LORD. This is My way, walk in it. Put away your harlotries before I strike you with a curse. Play time is over, there is no more time. Receive My mercy while there is yet little time. The door is closing on this dispensation, do not be found without."

There was a pause, while the Lord gave me instruction for the dream and the word. Then He began to speak again: 

"The LORD God giveth and the LORD God taketh away. I shall give to those who gave it all. That is My way. Am I unjust? Yet some of you will say so. Get your house in order before I make a total end. Sinfulness cannot and will not inherit My kingdom. Does My word not say you must be born again? Born of water and spirit. Put aside those things of the world and pick up the words of eternal life and ask Me to interpret them by My Spirit, lest you be cast off... 

I have spoken and the demonstrations of My words shall increase. 

Be not dismayed My faithful ones, you will know what to do. I have not forgotten you. It is your labour of love, even for they who mocked and persecuted you that I will remember, says the LORD of Hosts. "


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