My Grace is Sufficient...

January 8, 2014

Words from the Lord this morning after prayer.

(NOTE: I was asking questions, so if it seems a little broken up at first, it's because there was a bit of dialogue going on back and forth.)

Write what I say. The world is full of people, and many seek to do good things. The matter is of the heart, Beloved, and many are filled with pride. Pride opposes love for there is humility in love. Gracious giving... Yes, gracious giving. It's when you give and the recipient feels the divine embodiment of My hand extended to them. It removes the brassiness and harshness that you've experienced. Do you see? It falls in line with quiet displays. Yes, braggarts remove the grace I give. Grace is needed in all things. Do I run around boasting of what I do for My children, though I could because I Am God. I bless you openly yes, but not with prideful glances or malicious intent. Exactly. The joy in giving and receiving is embodied in My grace. As I give, so should My children but their hearts are so set on self.

Come on listen in. This day I am set on giving, giving to My children. What each shall receive is contingent upon what they've done with My grace. 

Those who sought after it and used it accordingly to follow My precepts and walk out My word shall know blessing. 

Those who mishandled and misused My grace shall know the blessing that comes with chastening.

Those who know not of My grace, I shall pour it out to draw them, and I will use My carriers of grace to perform this. 

The line has been set. Now the emergence of all that has been spoken, it all plays out in the open now. Set your sights on doing as I seek you to do. It is time for preparation to launch. You are ready, Beloved. You are an instrument in My hands, a sharpening tool, and the words I place in you will cut like a knife with precision. It's time to be the sickle in My fields. They are ripe for harvest. You will speak and cut away the husks, the foreskins of the fleshly ones. I have deemed it to be so. We have much to do. 

Now let me show you what I have prepared for you. Do not shy away from My blessing you. You are My Beloved. What has been done in secret, shall now be displayed, brought to light. Does not My word say that I bless those openly who serve me away from the eyes of man? So be it, beloved. Stand in amazement for the time now at hand. Let us proceed. Nothing held back, no more delays. We must move now, work while it's day. The Lord has surely kept His promises shall be what My faithful ones will say. Behold, behold, for I have come to repay the obedient and the disobedient. Your reward with Me this day. 

I am the Lord and I have prepared My good word. Every good and perfect gift, every good and perfect gift I give. Behold My hand is outstretched to them who sought My face. No longer shall they who serve Me know lack and loss. You shall recover all this day. Does My word return to Me void? Neither shall your lot be empty. I, the Lord hath spoken it. Rejoice!

James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, Proverbs 3:34, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 4;12, Matthew 9:37, Luke 10:2, John 4:35, Joel 3:13, Rev 14: 14-15, Matthew 6:4, 6, 18, Luke 8:17, John 9:4, Rev, 22:12, Isaiah 55:11, James 1:17


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