January 3, 2015

With so many voices vying for attention, with so many words that are being uttered, I asked the Lord, to show me where we are. Many speak of great blessing, and God does desire, He greatly desires to bless His people, but not before He deals with what hinders the blessing — sin, adultery and idolatry — just as it was with Israel, so is it with Israel and the church. There is nothing new under the sun. 

Oftentimes, the words, dreams, visions, and instructions to post them, are not easy to do. This is of His commission, not my own. The unpopular words and phrases are not of my choosing, nor any of His messengers who are called to such a task. Yet when we say "yes" to His will and not our own, we understand that this is bigger than us, and we do what thus saith the Lord.


Last night/early morning, the Lord gave me a dream. At first I thought, huh? But as many of you know that huh was what was needed for Him to speak the interpretation. Here is the dream:

I had a dream that I went to dinner with an ex-boyfriend of mine from way back, post high school. We went to dinner, but the next thing I remember, we were in bed, we had been intimate. I remember waking up in the dream thinking we were in a hotel or somewhere discreet. Little did I know that He had taken me back to his house. Well, upon awakening, people started coming into the room. His wife was there, other family members, and even mutual friends of ours that I was also acquainted with. 

I remembered thinking, why did he bring me here? He was not the least bit concerned, and was apparently unbothered by all of this. He went over to his wife as though it was not big deal, like this was something he did all the time (adultery). It was commonplace for him, and obviously for her as well. 

I realized that I had been set up, duped, left naked and filled with shame — exposed. As I left from that place, I felt such a feeling of remorse, and began to say how sorry I was. I felt horrible. I wanted to apologize to his wife. I didn't know... but I also remembered that I knew better and should never have been with him. I should never have been there in the first place. The reality of it all became very clear. 

The dream concluded with me in great sorrow over what I had done. 


In the dream, I represent believers.

The ex-boyfriend represented the world; illegitimate relationship, what the world does, the ways of the world, traps and snares, lures, seductions. 

NOTE: The ex-boyfriend God chose to use in the dream was very popular, athletic-type, nice packaging.

we went out to eat: dining, feeding off of the delicacies of the world, keeping company with the world. The word of God reminds us that bad company corrupts good character - 1Corinthians15:33

Dining, eating is also spoken of in the scriptures. Food is the way that we are nourished. We all have heard the saying, you are what you eat. 

Proverbs 23:6-7 says, 
6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

we were in bed: Almost immediately we were in bed. It didn't take long at all; represents intimacy, and sexual intimacy in the bible is marriage, the way two become one flesh, joined to. 

I am reminded of Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the path of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful... 

Most often we think that it is harmless to toy around with the world and it's ways, but before we know it, we have now become intimate and join ourselves to that which we've been instructed to refrain from. In Psalm 1:1, you see the digression — first walking, then standing (no longer moving), then sitting (now comfortable).... 

I woke up: being awakened

Thought I was in a hotel: thought I was tucked away, in a hidden place, a discreet place, but how deceived I was. Another great parallel. The world and those who love it, are not going to cover us. Quite the contrary, those in it will become the instruments by which we will become uncovered, because now we've removed ourselves from under God's covering, His protection, which is in His will, obedient to His word, living by His commandments.

the people in the room: Here it is... EXPOSURE! I am immediately reminded of the scripture that says ... your sin will find you out Numbers 32:23, and Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

why did he bring me here: Where else could he? He was of the world, the world does what the world does. Jesus told us, that the world loves it's own. One can only lead you to where they are. Watch this, in the dream I was naked, uncovered, isn't that where he is also. It is only under the covering of Messiah that we are properly covered. Think of the garden when Adam and Eve came to know that they were naked, and let us not forget the Lukewarm church in Revelation 3 — sin, adultery, idolatry.

he was unbothered: As the world is, so it does. He was an — ADULTERER. The scripture that came to mind was in James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

left feeling naked and ashamed: The consequence of sin... I was faced with my own depravity.

remorse: A good thing. Romans 2:4 says that the goodness of the Lord leads to repentance. Although the situation may not look so "good," it was still working for my good. A familiar scripture, Romans 8:28, and we know that ALL THINGS work together for good of them who love God and are the called according to his purpose. 

The evidence of that was the fact that I wanted to rectify my wrong. There was godly sorrow, and the fruit of repentance was apparent. 

2 Corinthians 7:10

9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.

10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

should have never been there: I took accountability for my own actions, didn't blame anyone else. So I left that place headed in the right direction. With a repentant heart... 

I think of Psalm 51 quite readily. Here are verses 1-4:

1 Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.


For now, beloved, My glory comes. It shall encompass and be embodied in the vessels I have selected, hand picked, groomed, pruned, prodded, and tested to be the containers of My brilliance in the earth. To them who sought after Me with all they have, who have bowed down in humble submission — Behold, your King is come! Receive the gifts I have given thee. By My Spirit shall you know them. I have promised each of you that in this time of testing, no harm shall befall you, for you made the LORD your dwelling place, your habitation. Come.

The world as you know it, is no longer, for they who are drunken with the wine of the world, it's time to sober up, now the shakings may awaken you to your own depravity, and you'll bring yourself before My altar and offer up a pleasing sacrifice. 

My people do err to think that sin, unrepented, unrelented will go unpunished by Me. What kind of Father would I be? Unfortunately, because you saw not the immediate consequences, many continued down the slippery slope. Now, that which you've placed your trust in, shall fail you. 

Go ahead and speak to the wood, to the stone, call upon that which you honored more than Me. I warned you in My word about the wiles of the enemy wrapped up, and hidden, covered in what appears good, that only appeases the flesh and draw your hearts away from Me, but you knew better than I, what was best for you. And though I warned and sent many to you, your love for the world exceeded what I had to offer to you. Shall I turn a deaf ear to your defiance? What does My word say about such things? For the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the sons of disobedience.

The horrors that this world will face, call for a place under My tent. The very world you've served will turn upon you and leave you as road kill. So the final call will go out, but not before I show you who is God. 

My messengers, my true messengers, who only have their hearts extended and not their hands, who refuse your payoffs and filthy lucre, tire now. They cry out before me for they have warned and warned and warned, and they bear the burden of the brethren for they know the heart of Yahweh.

So behold, I shall do all that I purpose. My will is the only will that will be done, and I shall accomplish all that I have set to do. The time of choice before you. Now I make a distinction, and your options clear. Serve Me and live or serve the god of this world and face the same outcome as he. 

Time for playing around is OVER. Hear Me, IT IS THROUGH. Come before Me in humility and repentance, and I will receive you. This is My love for you, My mercy, says the LORD. Yes, THUS SAITH THE LORD!

The voice of one crying in the wilderness — REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM COMES!

Exodus 20:14, James 4:4, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Galatians 5:19, Rev 3:10, Psalm 91, Rev 18:3, Heb 12:26, Haggai 2:6, Deut 4:28-31, Proverbs 7, Col 3:5-6, Eph 5:5-6, Jer 16:16-21, Mat 3:2


  1. Wow!
    First - I am filled with gratitude at this moment that you said "yes" to the call for this ministry.
    This would not be an easy message to publish, but it really does hit home in a way I can't express. This dream and explanation makes it so clear to me the need to stay alert and on guard.
    Thank you for once again sounding the warning. We ignore the siren at our own peril.
    God save us!

  2. Woe to those who do not hear the word of the LORD for I will judge all heart. I am God I am King I am Lord and there is no other. The land of America is vile the land of America is full of sin and iniquity. I will not ignor ib will judge I will says the Lord.


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