ENOUGH, SAYS YAHUAH! Cease From Your Works So I Can Enter In.

from May 30, 2013 


I had a dream that I visited a new church facility. On my way to the entrance, I saw a decorated Christmas tree in the yard with a Santa Claus and candle in it. It was in the front yard of the property. I took notice, but did not let it hinder my visit. I was even cautioned not to allow those outward things to hinder me from the purpose of my visit. 

I was met at the door by a woman (minister in leadership) and shown around this facility. There was every accommodation you could think of. It was fully equipped. There was even a hair and nail salon on the premises. I was then led into another room, sort of a conference area with a long table. I wanted to share with the woman the message that God had given me for her. I was sat down at the table with what appeared to be other ministers. They were all dressed in religious garb, fine robes, etc. I only remember women around the table. Every time I got ready to give the word of blessing, someone interrupted. 

There was a lady at the table who was talking about getting married three years from now. I said, "NO, that's too long." One of the female ministers in the room at the table, cussed under her breath and made fun of the woman. I was still not able to give the word I was sent to deliver. 

So I proceeded to find the woman who met me at the door. This time she was praying with a group of people. Their backs were to me and they ignored that I was even standing there trying to get the woman's attention. 

There was so much activity, and all of it distracted the word from being delivered. 

I woke up. 

Thoughts, Observations, Interpretation:

I received this dream a few years ago. At the time, I wasn't certain of it's full interpretation. Today, while I reviewed the dream, I heard, "time of visitation." This now lends to a better sense of what was taking place in the dream. 

Luke 19:44

...And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

Luke 21:5-6
And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which THERE SHALL NOT BE LEFT ONE STONE UPON ANOTHER, THAT SHALL NOT BE THROWN DOWN.
I believe that in the dream, I was seeing from the perspective of the Holy Spirit who came to visit this building or facility. The scriptures remind us that God does not reside in temples built by man's hands, so this visitation is to the temple of God, the place where the Holy Spirit is supposed to dwell — in man; in us.  

I thought it interesting that as the Holy Spirit approached the facility, there seemed to be an inspection that took place. That initial inspection exposed paganism and traditions displayed out front. Many churches are ridden and plagued with traditions that have no spiritual basis; are not founded in the truth; and actually impede the work of Holy Spirit. 

Could it be that the dream revealed how the Holy Spirit has been hampered; even rejected because of the corruption of idolatry, paganism and traditions? 

Acts 17:22-25
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

We also know that harlot in the scriptures is defined as a fornicator, an adulterer; and paganism and traditions are at the core of much of the spiritual adultery taking place in our modern day assemblies. 
harlot (H2181: zanah) — to commit fornication, be a harlot, play the harlot; to be a harlot, act as a harlot, commit fornication, to commit adultery, to be a cult prostitute; to be unfaithful (to God) (fig.) — to play the harlot; to cause to commit adultery, to force into prostitution; to commit fornication   

1 Corinthians 6:15-17
Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

The tour of the facility boasted of every modern convenience — that which brings comfort and pleasure to the outward man. The idea of the process of sanctification is that the outward man should be perishing. Not so in this case, because many have surrounded themselves with what brings comfort and entertainment to the flesh. 

When the Holy Spirit entered the room with the female ministers — I believe the fact that they were all women speaks to the operation of the soulish realm in play seated in the place of prominence — the unregenerated soul in the place of dominance; and not subjected to the Spirit. The Spirit of God kept looking for avenues to bless, but was ignored, overlooked and the people were bent on their busyness. They had an outward form of godliness, but denied His power. 

2 Timothy 3:5-7
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The woman who spoke about getting married in three years sought counsel, but when the Holy Spirit tried to warn of the dangers and temptations of such a long engagement or "dating" situation, the ministers didn't take it seriously. The woman minister that cursed under her breath and laughed at her is an example of what the silence concerning such matters breeds. The enemy laughs when we remain silent and treat these matters lightly; bringing God's people under a curse — exactly what Satan desires. Ministers are to steward over God's flock and advise God's people according to godly wisdom and counsel; NOT worldly counsel. 

Yet, the Holy Spirit was still adamant about trying to reach this minister who was amongst leadership and bring a word of blessing (probably through admonishment/correction), but the leadership was too engaged in RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY to give place to the move of the Holy Spirit. 

The final attempt was in another section of the room where the people came together in prayer. Their backs were to me while they were huddled together. I think this is pretty obvious. How can we engage in prayer and the Holy Spirit not be welcome in the midst? Again it counts only as religious activity! 

Here is the word of YAHUAH:

"The days of operating out of the flesh are over. Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life are not of Me. Either choose this day to serve Me or be left outside of My kingdom. Lest you be born again, you cannot enter in. Born of Water and of Spirit. No flesh shall stand before Me. This is a final clarion call to all that say they are of Me. 

I set (established) in My word and in My Son the pattern of worship. I need not the counsel of men to determine or redetermine what I meant. The truth is in My word. For by the Spirit can man know the heart and mind of Elohim. No longer will I tolerate traditions of men and false witness of who I am. Many, like the Pharisees of old, are blind guides who lead My people astray. Just because you do not desire to enter in, LET MY PEOPLE GO that they may worship Me. 

Intellect and theological scholars is not what I need in My kingdom. I desire sons, they who will be led of My Spirit to carry out My will. They who will hear and hearken to My commands. They who will consecrate themselves and COME OUT OF THE SYSTEMS OF THIS WORLD and the manmade edifices called "the church."

Playtime is over, reckoning time has come. I shall remove all that is not rooted in Me. I shall remove all that I find offensive and an abomination. If I call you to repent — REPENT, less a more evil thing come upon you. There are many who desire to know Me. Who would dare to stand between Me and My little ones? My words says, you do best to tie a millstone around your neck and be cast into the sea. I say again, REPENT and turn from your wickedness, your abominations, lest I put you on open display; to an open shame. I said, I come to rescue My children and I will keep My words to each of them. 

My wrath is to the full upon the children of disobedience. Your rebellion is as witchcraft and My words say suffer not a witch to live. FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS STILL DEATH. My Son bore the full wrath of indignation against such, yet you say you believe of Him and continue in these adulterous lifestyles? BLASHPEMY, I say. 

My name will no longer be attributed to your filthy lifestyles, hidden or in the open. I come now and I have warned. The trumpet will soon sound. Who shall hear and hearken to My words? For there will be NO LUKEWARM IN MY KINGDON; only those who will deny themselves, pick up their crosses and follow Me, "fully," "wholly!" 

No more, I say — no more. The mouth of the YAHUAH has spoken it. My rebuke is before you, for they who disregard My warning and continue in their own way. The wise shall heed, the foolish will perish. CHOOSE THIS DAY for tomorrow may be too late. Midnight is before you and darkness comes. Who will be left standing? Only they who hold to the word of Elohim. All else is VANITY, says YAHUAH. "


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