July 25, 2015

Today the Lord has me in 2 Thessalonians 2. The Holy Spirit brought this post back to my remembrance, so I am sharing as led. 

May we all govern ourselves accordingly. Make your calling and election sure for great deception lurks about. The bible reminds us that if we don't have a love for the truth, that we might be saved, that God will turn us over to a strong delusion to believe a lie 2 Thess 10-11. Please continue to pray for all teetering upon a decision in this hour! It is truly a matter of life (eternal) or death!

From July 15, 2013.

Also included is the interpretation and a word from the LORD.


I went to a particular house of worship, a church assembly, and it looked like a combination of places that I was familiar with. I knew in the dream that I really did not want to be there, but there was a purpose and intent for the visit. I walked in down the side aisle to look for a seat. I saw an empty row in front of some people that I knew, but I did not sit there. I continued until I saw an old classmate from grammar school. She was seated in the second row near the front; the first seat from the aisle. She immediately began to tell me that she lost her mother. I sat with her and shared that I knew that pain because I could identify; I too had lost my mother years ago. 

People were coming in trying to find seats in the front of the church. There was what appeared to be candidates for church membership lined up in the front of the church. I remembered asking myself, were they baptized? There were people I knew in the line and I was very surprised that they were joining with this congregation. The woman who was heading up the ceremony, held out her hand and acknowledged me. She looked like a former deaconess I knew from a former assembly.  The place was well lit and pretty bright for the time being. 

I realized that my attendance was as an observer, not a participant. 

What would have been the pulpit opened up as a stage and there were young girls performing a dance. They danced to a secular song, and everybody thought it was so cute. The dream zoomed in on the girls and their movements. They were seductive, but ever so subtle. There was an emphasis on just how intentional they were not to be overtly recognized. One of the girls had on a halter dress. She couldn't have been more than 7-8 years old. Although she wasn't exposed, it was not appropriate. 

I got up and went to the restroom. I was on my way out, but stepped back in to fix my clothes. My collar was out of order. When I came out and walked back into the assembly. A HUGE black spider bug was bouncing around. It had to be a mutant. I was ducking and dodging so that it did not touch me. The congregation wasn't overly disturbed by it. I then proceeded to take my seat. 

Now, the scene shifted, the lights were dimmer. The pastor came out and walked across the front. He looked at me and said hello; that it was great to see his friend. Now I ended up in the front row. The pastor came and sat next to me, and was being very playful. Sort of trying to make me feel welcome, familiar. He was nudging me and bumping me with his leg. At one point he was even holding my hand. 

Then, two well dressed little boys came and sat on our laps. I asked who they were. The pastor said, the Isley's sons. (Yes, the Isley Brothers). The little boys disappeared and the pulpit/stage curtain opened and there were three grown men who looked like triplets performing on the stage. There were speakers in the wall, mics and everything. Like a music concert/recording studio. I said to the pastor, "Since when did the pulpit become a recording studio?" He answered me with some irritation. He said, "What," so I repeated myself. His response was that it pleased their "father," and a glimpse of an older man came into view. I knew he was satan. 

Then, the pew in the dream shifted. It was no longer facing the stage, but on a slant. A couple of men came into the pew we were in and the one behind us. I was on the end closest to the stage. A man bent over from the pew behind us and kissed the pastor in the mouth. Then he looked at me as if to indicate that he didn't care that I saw him. I really wanted to leave, but couldn't, so I prayed to make sure God was protecting me, because I didn't want any of that to rub off on me. 

Now the scene shifted again, and it got darker. I was facing the stage again on the front pew. the pastor got up and went up on the stage. He was wearing a carmel colored suit. He put on what I can only describe as those costumes that look like moving furniture. It was two chairs attached to each other. He was on the left side. All you could see was from the neck up, and someone was on the right, but you couldn't see them. The next thing you know, the pastor was no longer in his suit, but in a long black robe. Another gentleman was also dressed in the same garment. They put on what looked like ninja masks over their heads. They had printouts of what they were supposed to say, so each one read their part. 

They took an object and held it out beside the podium. It looked like the fertility symbol without the bottom piece; rounded on top with a pole in it. The round part had markings that looked like a tribal mask or something. They started sprinkling something on the mask and doing incantations. Nobody was bothered by this. I wanted to leave. There was no mention of Jesus, nothing about the bible. No bibles were in view. It was dark, very dark. 

So after they finished with the statue figure, the pastor said, "Don't forget to put on your mask." He and the other guy in the black robe put on masks over the ninja mask that looked like the nose and mouth area of a wolf. In the dream I knew it was a wolf. The mask had the exaggerated nose area and fangs. Behind the podium to the right upside the wall was a gurney with two men laying on it, it was perverted. They kept giving honor to their father, who was the older man I saw earlier. He was  standing up receiving their accolades.

While this was going on, a lady sitting next to me kept nudging me telling me to look. She was holding a magazine with the pastor on the cover with accolades about their "recording studio," Then I woke up. 

My daughter, listen to Me carefully. This dream is insight to the habitation of demons in many of the local church assemblies. People are drawn into what looks like "church." They still perform the religious rituals, but they are empty; with no value to the human soul. 

The leaders are mere hosts, show hosts who make them feel comfortable in their sin. Familiar spirits who draw them in and seduce them into worshipping idols, false gods, Baal. I used the pastor to represent leaders who have been seduced and totally turned over to the spirit of Jezebel, who'll do anything for a moment of fame. Slowly, but surely Jesus is eliminated and open satan worship is what takes place. 

But the people are complacent and enjoy the entertainment. The wolves aren't hiding any more. They used to dress like sheep, but as you saw, they put on the attire right in the presence of the congregation and no one was alarmed. Sexual perversion runs rampant; yes men with men and women with women. What began as subtle deceptions are now open abominations and My people love it to be so. The new members are not really aware, and yes, people you least expect will be drawn in and deceived, so be not alarmed. Just like Ezekiel, I took you in to see what they do and say it's in My name. He too wanted to not look upon it, for he immediately saw there was grave sin and the people saw no problem with these things. 

Word of the LORD regarding this... 

I have judged these things, and I come to punish; tear down and destroy these churches of men, inhabited by every wicked and perverse thing. You see, they don't even read my word. Just incantations and storybook fables and tales, and My people are none the wiser. Just blackened souls prepared for hell's fire. My child, this is not the church that will be saved. What I mean is they will not desire to repent. They were comfortable in their sin. Did you see anyone saddened or even disturbed? 

[I asked about the people who were joining them who were unaware.]

Daughter, they may not have been aware, but they will like it to be so. This will be what you will come against in these end times. What I am saying is that the majority of "church goers" will opt out of the truth and heap unto themselves destruction. They have itching ears and prefer the doctrines of demons. They will abandon Me. Many will choose satan to be their father and will be utterly destroyed. I don't want you to be disillusioned about what you see, what you will face in these last and evil days. Men's hearts are cold and they do wickedly. 

[ I said that it made me sad. }

It makes me sad too, but there will be synagogues of satan and they will be utterly destroyed.

End of word.


"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" 1 Timothy 4:1

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3-4

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" 2 Thess 2:3

"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." 2 Thess 11-12

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. - Rev 18:2

"I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Rev. 2:9


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