From July 7, 2014    

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I Am God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in all the earth. 

This is exactly the content of My heart at this particular time, beloved. The day, My day, My time is come. Many will discover that they know not the God in whom they think they serve. 

My kingdom, My rule, now comes. Every temple erected outside of My pattern will be hewn down. This is the time of great calamity, even devastation, to establish Myself as rule, rank and dominion over all nations. I am God, I Am the LORD. The LORD of Hosts shall perform this. 

My house is ridden with all kinds of sickness and disease; perverse acts, yet no charity. The brethren fight and compete, striving for power, prestige, titles — that which I never said to be. I did not carry titles or buck for positions, so why do My people seek to sit where only I should be? 

Yes, beloved, a STORM — THE PERFECT STORM, but for My children of light — a LIGHT STORM; for they who walked in darkness — a REVELATORY STORM; for them who choose to remain in the dark — a PERISHING STORM. Here's where we separate the men from the boys. You are protected, beloved, know this for sure. I did say it would be darkest before dawn. Yes, I speak of great things and position for readiness, My children. This storm is one that will rearrange things, so to speak. Not one hair on your head will be harmed. 

You know of the breach, for My hand is removed from their borders. Yes, in My church. My holy city is full of demons and harlots. Can this remain to be so? This is a time of judgment and justice, and deliverance shall come forth. It is set to establish My kingdom and to fulfill My covenant. Only those in covenant, beloved, ONLY COVENANT PARTNERSHIPS. 

The sickle is drawn and truth is the measure by which all things are judged. Just because one chooses to believe a lie will never make it true. Now I will turn over every stone and reveal what's underneath. Prepare your heart for many obscenities will emerge. 

I will speak to many in the midst of the storm to no longer row against the current, but to get in the boat and let My current bring them to shore. It is a time of devastation as never before. Behold your God. My might, My power will be in the earth. I shall display My glory — I Am Come, wrapped in the storm. 

Watch for Me with diligence. I will show Myself. Them who are looking for Me, will see Me. 

Your Lord and King


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