Word given February 18, 2014

Many seek to attain heavenly things still allowing the flesh to occupy an up front seat. Not so, not so. The way in the Spirit is to come to Me and let Me humble you, by strengthening you — your reliance on Me. It becomes effortless when practiced daily. It is a way of life, not just lip service. 

Many speak with swelling words that sound sharpened and cutting edge, yet the flesh still applauds. Is that My way? My words cut to the flesh and removes those things displeasing to Me, and it is not an outward display, but an inward work — a gathering, a collection of the useful and the useless things and removing one to present more of the other, you see? It is good that you are not taken by the grand stand displays of man. I said what one does in private, I will reward openly, did I not?

Remember I told you to beware the leaven of the Pharisees? It is yet mixed with yeast and contaminated. Continue to feast on the unleavened. It will always nourish you.

My child, My display, My demonstrations are in the earth now. Undeniable manifestations of both My displeasure and My glory. My hand is moved now and I shall repay all that has been done, especially that done "in My name." No more will the soothsayers say dark speeches spoken from a place where little light shines. No longer will the diviners divine. 

My people perish from lack of knowledge and the vision is tainted. I need My torchbearers to light the way, for My soon arrival — for I am coming o' so soon to retrieve My bride. 

You ask of Me according to My will, My desire. Listen to Me carefully. It is already accomplished. Expect the unexpected. Expect it now, already, any day, any moment. I Am has spoken it. 

1 Corinthians 15:50, James 4:7-10, 1 Peter 5:6, John 6:63-64, Romans 8:5-14, Galatians 5:16, Romans 14:17, 2 Peter 2: 9-19, Hebrews 4:12, Matthew 13:30, Matthew 6:4, Matthew 16:6, Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1-2, Micah 3:1-7, Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 29:18, Ephesians 5:27


  1. Kinda just said the same thing on my Facebook post! Been reading John 16 especially 16:21 and believe the woman is the Bride who's hour has come to go forth and bring in the wandering sheep and wedding guest! Genesis 1:28 "multiply" is a word I've received lately, also Joel 2:1 sound the alarm is a call to joyous victory and overcoming! "Jubilant" is the word I received,
    showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant: the cheers of the jubilant victors; the jubilant climax of his symphony.

    There is a false revival and a Kingdom now theology that will seek to overcome and conquer through mans strength and an apostate church system but the true Bride of Christ will seek and save the lost and bring them into Jesus's Eternal Kingdom that is not of this world, please do not be deceived my brothers and sisters. The world hated Jesus because He was not of this world, it will hate those He has chosen out of this world, no servant is greater than His Master.

  2. Deneen, I've followed your blog for some time now, and I R-E-A-L-L-Y need to ask you a couple of questions that are causing me great anxiety regarding these last days. Is there an email address I can read you? I promise I'm not a spammer or sales person. I'm serious. Please.

    1. My email is Please tell me your name when you message me :) Thanks and God bless!


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