From July 28, 2015

Come daughter and let Me tell you a parable, a story. There was once a child of a King. He was raised in the finest house and had the most of everything. He had access to everything his Father provided. He was royalty because of his lineage. 

One day, he thought that his privilege earned him the right to abuse others. He used his authority and was rude, cruel and disrespectful to his father's servants. He stole from his Father's treasury. He abused women. Everything his Father taught him about respect and honor, he disregarded. He thought himself above reproach because he was the child of a King and heir to the throne. 

One day his Father, the King, called to him in the royal court and reprimanded him for his waywardness. You would think that with the charges brought to him, out in the open, he would have asked his Father to forgive him and restore him. Instead he refused to take responsibility for his behavior and even sought to dishonor his Father. 

Tell Me beloved, what do I do with such a son, such an ungrateful son? Can he be heir to My throne? What would he do with full authority? For what he had was privilege. What do you say to such things? Take your time to ponder a moment...

Beloved, exactly. Such as it is with many who lord over My people. Because they are My children, or so they say and profess heirship, they disregarded the more substantial aspects — character and honor. I am a God of both and mine is always on display. Yet somehow, they attribute abuse and cruelty to Me by the way they treat My servants. 

Just like the wayward son who would not receive chastening, I shall cast them out and remove them from My house. My house, beloved, shall be a house of prayer. Brutal wolves have come in and they run ram shod over my flock. You see, just like the Pharisees, these modern day leaders have abused My sheep. 

How else can a Father respond, but to remove them. Just as it was when you grew up, "If you live in My house, you live by My rules." My rules, beloved, are in the decrees I set in place, in stone, and just as in the royal courts, they are on display for all to read — ACCESS GRANTED to know the ways of the kingdom and the royal house. 

Since they refused to do it My way, I will strip the of their places of honor, for they seek the "best" of course, and bring those who will tend to them and care for them according to My heart. 

Matthew 7:15, Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:5-11, Matthew 21:13-15, John 10:1-12, 1 Peter 5:2-3, Luke 20:46-47, Luke 14:7-11


  1. It's so cool to see the same Spirit showing His people the same things in different ways. I awoke about 4 to 6 months ago and looked to my clock and I do not remember why but the Holy Spirit revealed to me that Mathew 12 was almost coming to an end and that we were moving into Mathew 13, or put another way the masses who are professing believers are being rejected and Jesus was going to begin speaking to His people through Parables. You may think I'm making this stuff up or just agreeing with everything you write but I'm not that deep, or smart. :) if you or others are interested I cannot recommend this mans teaching enough. His series on se Seven secrets of the Kingdom" is very very good!

    1. Michael, thank you for taking the time to share. It is so encouraging. You and I both know that the agreement is set in the word. I'm not that deep or smart either, I only seek to do the will of the Father. Thank you for being such a blessing.


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