Received February 25, 2015

Tell My children that we are now at a new point of the journey. It is time to ascend. Zion awaits its inhabitants, the holy city, the golden streets and trees that bloom and blossom continuously.

Who then can ascend My holy hill? They who have clean hands and a pure heart — who have not sworn deceitfully or lifted their hearts to idols. I have such a ones that live as outcasts in the world, just to set feet on My heavenly streets. 
Beloveds, it's time; for we can wait no longer. They who are prepared, who have endured their crosses and allowed the purgings, prunings and testings to prove them, shall now be promoted. The refining fires shall prepare they who will come and repent before Me in this hour. 

Words foretold long ago shall now play out before you. Manifestations of prophesies spoken by those who sought the ancient doors, now to be revealed. Mysteries hidden, now uncovered for such a time as this. 

I promised to have a kingdom and a priesthood, and so shall it be. My sons and daughters arise now and come and be made ready to serve in My courts. I now have need of thee. Forgive your mockers and they who behaved spitefully toward you, for I have preserved you unto Myself for this time. They whose eyes shall be opened will sing a different tune.

Did not Joseph's brothers (the brethren) hate and despise him? Yes, it was he who was positioned and purposed for they very same who sought to kill him. Was it not that way with My Only Begotten Son? Is He not the pattern for all things? 

Lift up your head o' ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory shall come in. I shall come and sup with them who open up to Me. The kingdom of heaven is now come. Who shall enter in?

Psalm 24, James 4:8, 10, Revelation 21:21, Psalm 75:6, 1 Peter 5:6, Zechariah 13, Exodus 19:6, Revelation 5:10, 1:6, Isaiah 61:6, 1 Peter 2:9, Jude 1:18, 2 Peter 3:3, Genesis 37:4, Genesis 50:30, John 15:25, Matthew 3:2, 4:17, Revelation 3:20


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