August 22, 2015 —

The night of August 21 | morning of August 22, I had a series of three dreams.  I am sharing the dreams as they were received. I received a word as well.

A sister in Christ had on an engagement ring (engaged to the world). A woman (her mother, nurturer) brought over a skimpy skirt (covering, garment) — a very inappropriate garment and told her to wear it when she went to see him. In her room, she was set up very comfortably. She and her sister (worldly, carnal) were roommates and the space they shared was quite cozy.  I was more of a spectator and not yet a part of what was going on. In the dream, I was saddened because she continued to defy God.

Then she went in to take a shower before she got dressed. After she got out, I told her that I was leaving. She said that she was going to give me a ride home, but I didn't want her to. I really didn't want to be in her company. I was ready to leave. 

As I prepared to go, I turned around and held out her hand. The ring wasn't there. I knew that she removed it.

I was at what I can best describe as a wilderness park of some sort. At first, we were in front of an office. There was a black woman there seated behind a desk. She mentioned that the family was out there and wanted to send help. The park was then closed, I presume, and the family was left out in the wilderness. 

The father of the family (a white male) was trying to protect his family. There were people trying to kill them. They shot at them, killed some, some were raped and endured all kinds of offensive acts performed against them. 

At some point, the father made it out with those who were left. When they arrived at the office the black woman remembered him. They brought them in, gave them shelter and told then that they were safe. They were provided with refreshments and the people in the office tended to them; took care of them. They were really traumatized. The man (father) began to share all that they experienced.

I saw a huge crowd of people with dirt and soot all over them. They appeared to be coming up out of graves and pits. They were all headed in one direction. My thoughts were that they were those who were returning to the Lord. 

This dream put me in remembrance of a vision where I saw a multitude of people whose faces were covered with soot. They were kneeling in the earth and the rain began to fall and washed away the dirt. They were cleansed of the filth and the puddles of water that formed around them became as light. When they looked into the water, their faces reflected the light and the glory of God was upon them. 

What I believe about the dreams is that although they were separate dreams, they all fit together. 

The first dream speaks of a believer who was in sin, harlotry, spiritual adultery, who after they took a shower (washed themselves,) removed the trinkets of the world. 

The second dream, I believe, speaks to the wilderness that all must endure in order to tried and tested. The way may seem perilous, but just as in the dream, the father who made it out was prepared to tell his testimony. I bellieve those who made it out with him were the remnant, the remaining ones.

The last dream, speaks of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the time of resurrection,  The process of change/transformation, when we are made ready to receive and reflect God's glory.


the die is cast (meaning): an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed.

"My beloved daughter, write these things for your own knowledge that you may be enlightened this day. The light of My glory comes and it shall shine upon man's ways, beloved, a final opportunity for some to enter in, to enter in. This is the time of great upheaval, calamity, a storm of mass proportions to bring them into the ark of safety. Be ye forewarned my love. It truly has begun. I spoke to thee of these things for in advance to prepare your heart for now it comes. 

Silence your fears, your woes and cast your burden upon Me, I will strengthen you. Yet, My love even in the midst of calamity, uncovering, upheavals, My glory shall abound upon My precious, faithful sons and daughters. Now is the time to shine. You shall be all aglow, the glory of My presence shall exude from you. Trails of light shall fall from you and others shall desire to follow.

Beloved, the die is cast, there is no turning back now. We must keep the appointed times of the LORD. Worry not, for all you have need of is come. Do all as I instruct. I will call and ask you to pray. I will yield through you My voice to call forth My commands. 

The people of the land shall surely know their God. My grief for their sinfulness shall be satisfied in My wrath. It is upon you now. I have heard the prayers of the faithful. I will always hear the righteous when they cry, but a broken spirit and contrite heart is what I require.  

It is time for My people to be broken over their sin. They sin against Me with such diligence, with intention. If the effort to continue in sin was invested in the knowledge of who I am, than right reverence of their God would yield for them great results. Now many amongst the multitude shall know that their works are vain. Vanity, says the LORD, just vanity.

Now that the tables are turned, I shall showcase My faithful. My very own firebrands. They who will call down fire from heaven to destroy the works of man. My words are already in their hearts, now they shall release them. Behold, for I Am. This is the time of the great uprising, says the Lord of Hosts.

Jubilant shall be they who cast aside their way and took up the ancient paths. Nothing given or lost shall be without due and just reward. Beloved, come when I call for you. This is not a word afar off, says YHWH. "


  1. Wow. Deep calling deep. Such sorrow Abba has endured and for so so so long. It is now time. It's so deep in my heart the sorrow of all those who have chosen death. May Life reign in this place! Abba Yah reign and rule in this place. Bo Yahshua! Bo Yahshua!


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