From February 22, 2015 

VISION: I had a brief vision that morning while in prayer. The Lord was seated on the bench in His judge's robe, and I stood before Him as a little girl, directly positioned in front of the bench.  


"My beloved daughter, flesh of My flesh  and bone of My bone, you rightly divide My word and pray from a heart set on things above. You hit the mark this day as I sit in heaven's courts and judge. I judge between the sheep and goats. I judge between even the sheep. 

The shepherds are before Me, and beloved, unfortunately, I am not pleased. Many have strayed away from the path and have presented themselves as stumbling blocks and have led My flock astray. I take My seat now and render judgment against those things. 

Visitation has truly come and will come upon many as destruction for they knew not the time, nor have they accurately examined themselves. The only reflection that sets the standard is Me and My word, for the two are one. I now come to put an end to what men do in My name. Either they shall preach the G O S P E L as it is, according to truth, or they shall be filled with wormwood (gall). Most are anti-christ and do not know. 

Here's where you and others like you (prepared, hidden) come in. They who despise you, shall come to you, for I am lifting the wool from their eyes. Many suffer now, beloved, for I will take from them all they put before Me.  

The things that I have spoken manifest, yes, this day. It shall not cease until My people are jarred from the hands of they who slay them. Now, I come with the sword and I sever, I divide, I cut asunder all that is flesh from what is spirit. My sickle, My circumcision tool, now sharpened and prepared to harvest My first fruits.

Beloved, you already live above the skies. Now I shall call you home. Be ready for at a moment's notice — the twinkling of an eye."

Genesis 2:23, 2 Timothy 2:15, Colossians 3:2, Psalm 7:8-11, Isaiah 66:16, Psalm 75:7, Matthew 25:13-46, Ezekiel 34, Mark 9:42, Matthew 18:6, Jeremiah 23:1, Luke 19:44, Isaiah 10:3, Isaiah 29:6, 
Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15, 1John 2:18, 3 Corinthians 3:14, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Hebrews 4:12, Joel 3:13, Revelation 14:14, Matthew 13, 1 Corinthians 15:52


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