January 29, 2016

This morning while in prayer I had a series of visions. It wasn't until after prayer I realized how they fit together. 

I was praying and saw a pair of feet standing at the bank of a body of water. The right foot lifted from the shore and proceeded to step forward. As the foot touched the waters, they began to part. Almost simultaneously, I saw the curtain (the veil) tear between what I knew was the Holy Place giving access to the Holy of Holies. As both ways opened up before me in the vision, a great light was revealed — the splendor and glory of the Lord. This scene repeated a couple of times.

Then as I continued to pray, I encountered another vision. In this vision, the Lord began to reveal to me the process of a butterfly. I was reminded of the post, "It's Time to Fly Butterly." 

He showed me how in the beginning of the process, what we see is a caterpillar and there is nothing very attractive about a caterpillar. A caterpillar crawls about on its belly, reflective of the beast-like tendencies associated with the old nature of man. Such is the same for us before we enter into the process of transformation. 

The caterpillar is then assigned to the cocoon. The cocoon is likened to the wilderness, the pit, the grave — THE CROSS — the place where transformation occurs. The cocoon, like the cross is the "crossroad," the place where one life ends and new life begins. The caterpillar experiences what can only be described as death in the cocoon. The cocoon is that confining place, with very little to no light. 

The ideal of death to the old nature takes place in the cocooning process, likened to the process of transformation we must endure. 

2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

The cocooning stage of the caterpillar is the LONGEST PART of the process. The cocoon is the chosen place for the end of one stage that segues the beginning of another. I thought about how hidden that process is even from the onlookers. It's also a place of obscurity, and a lonely place, for each process is independent of anything or anyone outside of God. It is He himself who oversees this process, just as it is with each of us. Our dependency only upon Him. He chooses the cocoon and He orchestrates the process and for the most part, it's just us and God.

Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

The final stage is when the butterfly comes forth. It breaks out of the shell of the cocoon. There is no sign of the former, the caterpillar. A total transformation (trans = change: change form) has occurred. I did a bit of research on butterflies at one time and discovered that the breaking forth out of the cocoon is the place of struggle, but no one can help or assist for it may cause the butterfly to die or impede its ability to fly. The struggle to break free is A PART OF THE PROCESS!

Since God is the Creator, sovereign over His creation, even us, it is He who watches over every phase of the process. What then emerges in the process of time is a beautiful, colorful, butterfly. No longer of the former, but totally made over. No one has to teach the butterfly to fly. It's comes naturally for the creature born with wings. The outward display of the result of the cocoon graces the world with its beauty. No longer of the former, but made into what was intended from the very beginning. Each butterfly bears a unique set of colors and patterns that is distinct. 

A parting of the ways, speaks to the end of one thing, place, or process and the beginning of another. It is a farewell to what was to embark upon what was always intended. Take note from the process of the caterpillar. He was destined to become a butterfly!

The parting of the waters in the vision reminds me of two instances of parting waters in the scriptures: The Red Sea and Jordan. 

We know that the Red Sea speaks of a parting of the ways. In scripture, it was the Exodus (departure) from Egypt (bondage of sin) and crossing over into the wilderness (where the process begins).  I would compare it to the caterpillar entering into the cocoon.

While in the vision, I thought of Jordan who overflows its banks throughout harvest (Joshua 3:15). Jordan means descender and speaks of a death to life encounter... another crossing — a parting of the ways.  This I would compare to the breaking forth from the cocoon and entering into the promise (life in the spirit, the ability to fly, getting your wings, so to speak). 



John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (Red Sea — first baptism unto repentance) and of the Spirit (Jordan — second baptism of Holy Spirit), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

The tearing of the veil, access to the Most Holy Place... the removing of the flesh so that the glory of God may be revealed. We know that when Yehusha died on the cross the veil was rent and He was received into glory and the way was opened for us (Matthew 27:50-53). 

Look upon the pattern. In order to be partakers of His glory, we must also partake in the process. Just like our Savior, we too shall rise again. We cannot participate in the benefits of resurrection, lest we concede to the dying process. 

I will share the words of Yehusha: Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Matthew 16:24)

I will close with the promise in John 11:25, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live..


  1. Wow! This is for me, I'm blown away! Praise our Abba Yah!

  2. Thank you, ABBA Father for your word of correction and encouragement. All glory to Your Heavely Throne, let it come quickly in this earth as it is in heaven, let it be so.


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