September 21, 2017

This morning I kept hearing parts of the words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor..." So I looked it up to retrieve that portion of the inscription that was echoing within in segments:

"With silent lips, Give me your tired your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

After prayer, the Spirit of Yahuah spoke these words:

The call, the cry of my beloveds echo throughout the halls of heaven – deafening cries – even the silent ones have gained My attention. Give ME your tired, your poor. Now is it that I revive them that are mine. 

I see the years of disappointment piled upon the hearts of My faithful ones and the chains held up before Me, for their hands tied due to circumstance and situations. Behold, I say unto thee that Lady  Liberty as they say is not the way to freedom. Your country loves its idols and uses them so subtly to mock your God. Now she who stands in the waters shall be decapitated and bowled over, just as I did to the god of the Philistines (Dagon). 

They seek to contain the glory of God and treat Me like one of their idols. It shall not be so. I am He who is everywhere and I knoweth all things. I see how they pervert good intention and devise in secret how to enslave society again for what they coin as a new world agenda. I have an agenda and whose do you think will abound victorious?

I Am Come, beloved; make no qualms about it and now I deal with the idolatry and abominations. Now when I topple over their idols and render them useless, what shall they say? Shall they say that I am unjust? They seek to only rebuild when I say this is My judgment. Is there any stronger or mightier than I, beloved?

Now I say unto you, little one, who lifted her voice as a trumpet to be heard, I no longer shall pacify with words, but bring clear demonstration to the land for all the perversity, even embedded in the laws. Yes, it is true that the Statue of Liberty was to be an emblem, a sign of freedom; and end to slavery, but the plan of they who call themselves elite was not so, not in line with the intent. 

They used it to deceive and once again trickery the intent, to cause you to believe the lie of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How can it be absent from Me, beloved? Everything they do, they do with corrupt motive of greed and power, none of which shall stand any longer before Me. 

I come now to avenge the blood of My people. They are buried beneath the grounds of their idolic buildings and institutions. I come to recompense the blood, sweat and tears of My people held captive by a land who I gave plenty, who only took and gave nothing to the poor and faint of heart. Now they plan to enslave again. 

These entitlements and programs are an insult to My charge to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and give to they who have need. Would you give a man not enough and say I gave, when it was in your hand to do so? Countries, nations who know me not keep their people better than this land that had more then enough. 

Now I will exhaust their supply and siphon plenty into the hands of My stewards. They build shelters when they could supply homes. I HAVE SEEN IT! NO MORE, beloved, NO MORE! Now I send the waters and the whirlwinds. As you trump, so I shall speak and establish My own. 

Now beloved, know this. The changes needed are come to thee. Arise My beautiful ones who are in the midst of the perverse. For where you are planted shall you prosper in the midst of famine and lack to they who remiss to do My will. 

The Day of Yahuah commences with a shout. Come and receive your instruction, your marching orders. It's time to take the land. My hand now is upon the matter and I shall not relent, says Yahuah Elohim, Melech a Olam (King of the Universe)!

Blow the trumpet in Zion. Call and gather My children. The time long promised is come, is come. Behold the hour commences. Harvest time is here. Harvest home is come. You shall have all I've spoken, says your Abba. Wait upon Me in readiness. 

This is the word of the LORD.

Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 6:5, Acts 7:7-8, John 8:36, 1Peter 3:12, Psalm 34:15-19, 1 Samuel 5:1-4, Exodus 20:3-4, Isaiah 9:10, Isaiah 58:7, Ezekiel 18:7, Luke 3:11, Deut 30:3, Zeph 3:20, Jer 29:14, Isaiah 23:18, Prov 13:22, Isaiah 60, Psalm 37, Joel 2:1-2, Zephaniah 1, Romans 2:6-10, Hosea 8:7, Isaiah 55:11


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