From August 15, 2019

My Daughter, hear the word of the LORD this day. I have given much space and time for My children to repent. Now the outcomes on display according to what every man has sown. For they who have sown strife and discord, now the same shall be in their homes. For they who sought peace among men, even in spite of how they treated them and neglected to see about them, even when I placed it upon them to do so, now shall they be at rest. I have warned and warned and the unheeded words shall now be the reality before they who mocked Me and scorned My messengers. They were not doing their own will, but Mine, I say. Do you think they would want to come and deliver messages that admonish and rebuke? How foolish you all have become, says the Father. Now you shall be the brunt of the joke, but indeed this is no laughing matter, for what’s as stake is your souls.

Be ye forewarned, that the results and consequences you face are the direct result of your disobedience and failure to acknowledge Me as I am. I am holy. I am righteous. I am the Creator of all things. Most importantly, I have the final say. I have given space to repent, but the hardness of your hearts refused even in My longer suffering as I put off to give further opportunity for you to come to yourselves and repent. Now, it — REPENTANCE — is the order of the day and THAT is non-negotiable.
Unfortunately, many of you will read this and stiffen your necks and find words to discredit they who tell you the truth. But I say to you this day, assuredly; most assuredly, it is they you will seek in this hour for they know the way. They have prophesied according to My will, but you prefer the market place prophets who tell you what you desire and you grease their palms to lie to you at the destruction of your soul. Did you not read in the book of 1Kings, that Jezebel had 400 and Baal 450, but there were 100 tucked away in caves? How is it that you label they who speak from their own hearts as prophets of the living Elohim? My prophets call the people to correction for they know all the houses, cars and husbands in the world can’t prevent your soul from being condemned to hell where you will perish for eternity.
It’s time, people of the earth to learn true righteousness, not this fabricated show of it that is as a stench in My nostrils. Now shall I clear My threshing floors and gather what is wheat, for they shall feed a starving land the true message of the gospel that leads to eternal life, and unto the tares shall I start a fire to purify and purge. I have tolerated, but don’t think I have winked. They who do My will suffered because of your disobedience, but I will permit it no longer. Look around ye who are blind. The entire earth is languishing for the weightiness of sin upon the land.
I would cease to be Elohim if I not respond accordingly. You have been warned. Now shall you see the outcomes of your responses, for as a man soweth, he also reaps. I will be sure to pass before you the faces of they you harmed because of your rebellion against a holy God.
REPENT, I say, for nothing in between. The margin of error and room for mercy is dwindling as we speak. You take righteousness and make it an option, when I say it is a command. How do you claim to know My Son, Yahushua, yet you look nor behave anything like Him? He never despised My laws, nor demeaned them, for by them is one warned and in keeping of them great reward. That’s scripture, says the LORD. My precepts were never yours to dismiss, but your rebellion and depravity and despise for holiness is evident in the way you conduct yourselves and fit in in a world of wickedness. LAWLESSNESS, did you not understand would be the manner of the people in the times of the end? Or did you read from a translation that watered down its meaning? Now, because lawlessness has increased so has the hardness of your hearts. Many, oh so many of you have heaped up coals that shall be upon you for you chose to ignore what I said for your own way. STOP LYING ON PAUL! He did not teach you to disobey. If you had sought to learn of Me, you would understand his sayings. Peter gave you a real clue that you would wrest the scriptures of Paul to your own destruction.
People of the earth, I have seen enough, I have had enough. You walk about and display openly your sin and they who say they are Christians compromise to stay in relationship with them. They who are pleasing of Me, many left family and friends at My word to become what is needed for them in these times of the utter end. You justify sin, but the only justification comes through My Son, Yahushua, for He is the only one with the authority to make one righteous.
O’ people of the earth, I am come down to deal with your stubborn resolve to do what thou wilt. Do you not know that is the motto associated with Satanism? He is your father when you rebel against Me and willfully sin. What say you, rebellious generation? Shall you ignore what is upon you? You shall know that I AM YAHUAH. You will know that I AM LØRD. You will know that ONLY that which is aligned with My will will stand in this hour. 
Warning is over, now shall I perform what is needed on your behalf. Beloveds, I NEED NOTHING! Why don’t you understand? I have given you everything to live holy, especially an impartation of Myself in the Ruach HaKodesh, yet you grieve His counsel. Many of you have the blood of My servants on your hands. Many of you spoke ill of them for doing My will. How many of you were willing to give it all away for Me? Does not My word say that they who seek to save their lives shall lose them? Yet you say I am the author of what is contrary.
My kingdom come; My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You were to set your affections on things above, but you love that which is forbidden. So it shall be. So it is done. Until you REPENT, life as you have known it shall cease to be and the peace you once had in your rebellion shall be you undoing, says the LORD, for I chasten they whom I love and by no means is chastening a pleasant thing, but it will yield the peaceable fruit of repentance if you decide to submit to Me. You may think My way hard, people of the earth, but it’s much more hard without Me. You have dismissed Me from your lives, now is it time that you awaken to the reality that without Me, there is no life. My love for you compels Me to correct you. REPENT and be restored. REPENT and return to Me with ALL your heart. My covenant to give you a NEW HEART that will follow after Me still stands, but you, O’ PEOPLE OF THE EARTH MUST CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE!


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