October 19, 2019

My kingdom come; My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It’s time, little one, for the displays of heaven; for the demonstrations of your Father to occur in real time — on earth as it is in heaven this day.

The word of the LORD is this, to they who said, COME WHAT MAY, I will follow the LORD, that the great reward long promised is come. Come ye thankful people come is the lyrics to the song, but I say, "Come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant for your King is come; he is come down to you in judgment and visitation."
True, beloved, the theme of the hour has been accountability and stewardship. What have you done with what I have given thee? I provided a deposit of My Ruach to each who believe, but many would not follow the dictates of their God, but chose to grieve My Spirit within thee. Now the outcomes of what you’ve done both good or bad, righteous or wicked. Time to choose for some of you, for you ignored the warning sounds, signs and symbols. Now topsy-turvy it is, then you will run to seek those who spoke the pre-loaded messages given.
The day of Yahuah no longer at hand, but come; to every man the message, “REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF ELOHIM IS AT HAND” will take on new meaning. I have tolerated much more than I can stand, and the faithful cringe at the things that I reveal that many do and think go unnoticed. I was so serious about sin that I sent My Son; My only Begotten Son, Yahushua Ha Maschiach to pay its penalty AND to teach you how to live as sons — as children — and restore right relationship with Me, but you chose your idols and follow the same harlotries of old. Now you will know what you have sown, and many have made valueless investments in the world of empty and will know. You will know says the LORD. I set My kingdom builders in your midst and you despised them and closed hand and heart because they would not beg nor devise schemes even for their need. For those who took another’s sufficiency and put on shows and went and ran when I did not send you, know that you have your reward.
I am Elohim and I change not, that too is in the scriptures, but many of you think the ones before the book of Matthew are nought. That’s a fools way of thinking for your instruction began in the beginning. Now is come what is needed to bring things into their proper order. Brace yourselves for change, peoples of the earth, for the Kingdom of Elohim is truly at hand, and the kingdoms of THIS world are become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and the shift of rule and reign and juris prudence is come, says YAHUAH!
Again, I say, a word to the wise for the foolish won’t comply. Keep hand, foot and mouth away from My messengers, for My presence is with them, says the LORD.


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