June 21, 2018

1 Corinthians 3:11-15 

11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

My daughter, I listened intently this morning to every word you spoke soberly, somberly, but from a pure heart. You spoke of and expounded upon the effects of sin upon mankind and how it has spilled over into and contaminated everything. There is now nothing you can call good, and equity and honesty and words like integrity are now bywords replaced by wrongdoing to capitalize as the premise for how things are now done. 

Marriages are but business arrangements; work has no ethic. There is no longer such a thing as bartering for what benefits both sides equally. Men behave as beasts and hooligans and think it to be the “way” to live, the good life; as a fool said, so he thinks he lives.

The love of many has waxed cold and you are right to be concerned that many have become as Pharaoh and have hardened their hearts against Me, beloved. Pharaoh exerted authority, a heathen, over my people who neither created them or gave them life. There is nothing new under the sun, is it not? Once again we are where Egypt and the ways of Egypt and the spirit of Egypt and those in bed with Egypt present themselves as taskmasters and oppressors over My people. I desire worship. I desire honor. I desire righteousness and equity and judgment, and I shall have it all. 

Time now to deal with the matter at hand, and it will not pass by without my attendance this time. True, that I am longsuffering and many, but still few, have turned from their former course to find one that seeks Me, but this generation is so wicked, that no matter what I bring or do, they continue with determination down the road that will ultimately lead to their utter destruction. Now I must intervene and you brought scripture to Me and charged Me with My very own words. I said that I chasten them that I love and no chastening is pleasant. It is not pleasant for Me to have to administer the stripes, beloved, but they will not heed. 

Your plea for the righteous and how they live as prisoners and the promise of life abundantly sealed the deal. I promised that they would prosper and be in good health, yet the sick and sorted kinds of sin are prominent in the earth. I’ve made pledge by My very own word to deal with the sin problem. I sent Yahusha to His death to eradicate the death that sin would wager, but many prefer to gamble with death than to pursue life by the same cross that He left as the way to Me. 

Everyone has made up a religion to themselves and have erected gods to follow and none of them look like Me. I realize I can’t continue to burden My children who seek to please Me with My discourse of the disobedience of the brethren. Many do so knowingly and willingly and the promise of judgment for willful sin is come. For the ignorant, an opportunity, but for the obstinate a fire kindled. My Son is come as a fuller’s soap and every man shall know their own filth. As stated, let the righteous be righteous still and the filthy be filthy still, but no more fence straddling. 

I look compassionately upon those who gave their lives as martyrs for the word that lives in them and how they lived it in front of others. This day, not like any ordinary day. The heat of the day shall bring the distinction needed for man to make an informed choice. I have to choose and can only choose My way, the words of righteousness judge Me as well, and I must do what is equitable. I too must be yay or nay or else the balances are compromised. 

Come ye little ones and steal away with Me this hour, for the time spoken of is truly here. There is no more playing around for some serious decisions must be made. I can no longer break the hearts of the faithful or they will be overcome with grief and their wounds will be irreparable. Come ye thankful people come. Harvest home is here. Yahuah!


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