July 2, 2020

Daughter, my children have asked and waited and complied with that which I have asked of them. It is only right that the reward also spoken of be given them. In this time when the world is dead set on wickedness, there are still they who hold fast to what is pure, holy, and righteous in My eyes; not on their own righteousness do they depend. 

I have heard case after case in the courts of heaven and My children barely come in any more for many feel that justice have failed them and they need find their own. Am I not capable, beloved? Yet you say how do you ask such when the observation does not uphold the narrative; and hence the issue at hand for many who believe I Am.

You thought on this morning about they who have to be paid or receive for that which I have given freely and how mammon and the love thereof has tainted EVERYTHING. Now the prophets divine for a dime and say, “Well, I don’t ask, it’s optional whether they give,” but the inference is just as compelling as an outward plea. Many follow suit of they who should know better and now the integrity of the prophetic too is tainted for no one knows whether the words are spoken of God or convenient for their income. I have seen it, and I will put a stop to it immediately. I am come to answer each man according to the idols in their hearts. 

If you love money, I shall take it; if you love mother, father, sister, brother, son or daughter more than Me, you give legal right for those things to become the payment for your soul. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul, I ask again, but none pay attention to the obvious answer to that inquiry. Now, it shall be known the price and the cost of idols when they are diminished in their sight. Just what if the “things” they love more than Me is their reward. What does that amount to, beloved? Yes, absolutely NOTHING.

It’s time to clean house and put an end to those things that separate My children from Me. If when they are removed, they still desire Me not, then they shall have what they say. Many ask what profit is there to serve God; what has He done about all these things, and I can see how that may be so; I understand. But the true question is what have you done to comply with what I’ve asked that would move or compel Me to act on your behalf? No one has consulted Me, other than My faithful about all these things you allow the fallen ones to program and pound into your hearing day after day after day.

The news said this; and the governor said that. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT YOU LIVE IN A FALLEN WORLD RUN BY THE WICKED ELITE OF SATAN? O’ foolish ones, when will you see beyond the façade? The only danger is living without Me and now you will see. It will become evident, and the response I seek is repentance, says the LORD!

2Chronicles 7:14 
IF my people who are called by my name will humble themselves AND pray AND seek my face Ã…ND turn from their wicked ways, THEN... shall I hear from heaven; forgive their sin; and heal their land.

Matthew 3:2
REPENT ye for the kingdom of God is at hand!


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