September 20, 2020 

Beloved, we are down to the wire, the final hour commenced. Time is turning on itself now and the kingdom at last is come. 

The outcomes of the seed over time will be evident, for harvest is here. The allotments due each and every man on assignment to be doled out in this time called now and the kairos, due season of heaven, is now in effect. Time is no more, and the foolish and the simple shall know the cost of their disobedience and obstinance against Me, but the real matter or question at hand is will they repent. This is the acceptable time; there is none other, and the day of Yahuah is at hand. 

So, I say to you, keep all your things in order. I made promises and gave My word and will not go back on one iota. You have kept yours, beloved, and I would be remiss to return anything other than honor and favor for a life laid down, and no desire to pick it up again. But the time is now that I raise it up, beloved, as long promised. There’s no going back now and there’s no option to lose they who kept their garments unspotted from the world. Just know that the whirlwinds have come and the wicked get by no longer. Harvest is here and winter follows. Let us be on our way to do what is proper for those who are called to work the work in this time called harvest. 

There is a great harvest to be reaped while I deal with the wicked portion of the world. Humanity as you’ve known it is no longer and CHANGE is come. Soon the man of perdition will take his seat and the world will be the worse off for it. They who refuse to crown Yahusha king shall receive another and will take his mark. But for they who keep the way of Yahusha; my way, the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of Yahuah and the faith of Yahusha shall rise and shine and not one hair be harmed. 

Beloved, we have entered in...

Suggested scripture reading:

Revelation 7, Ezekiel 7, Joel 3, Revelation 14


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