From February 13, 2020

Daughter, you know that I desire not that any of My children be apart from Me. Tis why I must judge the things you have written for your instruction and avenge the blood and the cries of My own. The season of reaping is come, beloved and the time of harvest now at hand. 

The sickle has been drawn, as the word to make a separation and distinction between what is Mine and what is not. As the faithful who speak one to another, I declare this day that the healing in the wings of the Son of Righteousness, shall surely find thee and arrest thee from the wounds and pain inflicted as a result of this perverse and wicked generation. 

Man must now choose, Daughter, either they will bear My mark or the mark of the beast is their portion. Many have chosen already. The time of judgment is at hand has been the clarion call for the last decade and centuries past, but now the plan of redemption in play shall reveal all things that are not in concert with the execution of that plan and many more will fall away. Everyone looks for these one off events, but the truth be told as you have seen, the evidence of the rebellion and heightened intent of the depravity of man is the apostasy spoken of in the last days. 

Now, know beloved, for the time of the coming of the Lord is far over due. There is no more delay in what must become of the sinfulness and deeds of they who follow after the ways of man instead of the ways of the LORD. I gave them laws, prophets to interpret them, judges to keep them in line with my laws, and when all else failed, I sent My son — the same word wrapped in flesh. If I came Myself they would behave unseemly and I am sick and tired of man’s rebellion. The truth is not subject to their futility of mind, but it is as stated in the volume of the book, and I will not change My mind. I am He who changeth not and as stated, the cries of My children day and night now prompt the swift judgment to be executed on behalf of justice. 

There is no other time and I will not hear the prayers of them who think to pray away the outcome. This is My mercy, beloved for the next step is extermination. The plans and plots of the enemy persist and My people are still steeped in sin. The buck stops here, and they will know that I Am means business; that I mean exactly what I say. Prepare for the day is here, Daughter, the one spoken long ago for which much have been endured since then. 

Now the mockers, scoffers and unbelievers will sing a different tune. I am Yahuah and I have spoken it. Judgment and reaping for what each man has sown. The deeds now recompensed full fold. Who will say in their heart that I am unjust? Is it not so for how the faithful are treated? For they who have been trampled over and the violent acts committed toward the true saints in My name? No longer shall it be said that I sit by and do not defend My own name.


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