
Showing posts from August, 2012


From August 25, 2012 This is the time of reckoning. All shall be accomplished swiftly. The time is now to come and be filled. Great calamity is on the horizon and many are not prepared for what is to come. Shall I not bless my faithful ones? Those who have believed and remained true to their God? The hour is now, yet I will still receive those who come in repentance, true and sincere repentance. No longer shall I tarry for there is much to be done in the kingdom. My order shall commence with the destruction of all kingdoms that are not of Me.


From Aug 18, 2012 "Sound the alarm for the trumpet blows, The trumpet is sounding, the ram's horn is blowing, yet my people turn a deaf ear. My wonders shall be as a landmark of My coming. Many shall turn away and fall by the wayside, but many shall return to Me in this hour. Greater am I than any entity that would oppose Me and My will. The hour strikes twelve (12) and time is up. The winds of adversity are blowing to release judgments across the land. My House shall be judged first. Who will be found standing?

TRADITIONS! Why We Do What We Do

TRADITIONS: WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO? I'm sure this won't be a popular post, but the popularity meter went to an all time low with my first "yes" to the Lord and decreases with every subsequent "yes." A little more than a year ago, the LORD began to open my eyes to the origins of holidays and traditions and indeed it was an eye opening experience to find out that most of what we celebrate has origins in paganism and it's implementations into Christianity originate with Rome. Needless to say, I no longer keep man's traditions and began to study out God's holy feast days in the bible... Enlightening! However, I failed to include birthdays in my research and just last night ran across a video that set me to begin to look more closely at that tradition. I had to repent even in my ignorance, especially since I just celebrated a birthday. As I continue on this journey, I understand that the road is narrow and gets narrower as so much more is re...

A Word from the Lord: Aug 11 2012

While in prayer, the LORD took me back to Journal Square where there was a tunnel that led to the Path train or to the street; depending on whether you were coming or going. I remembered being afraid momentarily inside of the tunnel because there always seemed to be the looming feeling of potential danger. I remembered the feeling of relief when I made it out (through) to the other side. Then I heard the LORD say, "I'll be with you, and will walk in front of you through the places of uncertainty. We are crossing over to the other side. I will be with you. Do not be afraid. Keep all reliance in Me, in who I Am. Am I not the God who delivers? This is the time we've all been waiting for; you in the earth and Us in the heavenlies. Gird yourself; be strengthened in My word. Come to Me with everything, no matter how big or small. Call upon Me and I will answer. Fret not, this part is almost over. You will be so pleased with the outcome. Continue to strengthen the brethr...