HIS STILL SMALL VOICE: Words from the Lord (9/29/2012)
From September 29, 2012 Tell My children that I am come and I am in their midst. I will interrupt their regularly scheduled programming to speak My plans and purposes; My agenda, says the LORD. Those who heed my voice in this hour, shall know the blessings of obedience, but those who persist in rebellion will know the consequences of such. Expect visitations as we move beyond the now into the new. It is imperative to follow my commands and remain on the course that I have set for you. I know that many have become weary in the waiting, but didn't I say that they that wait upon Me shall renew their strength? I am the God who will cause you to rise above your circumstances. Remember that you are seated in heavenly places, and that positions you in Me, so get ready to soar. Many have already fallen away from the truth. There will be opportunity to return and recover right relationship with Me. In that, there is safety. Don't choose to live outside of Me, My precious ones, ...