October 28, 2020

The discovery of every man’s foundation is upon them and I move without delay. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as you realized will bring condemnation to many by the very words they speak, for as you realized, by his own words is a man condemned or justified. They speak not according to the law and the testimony of Yahusha, and think somehow that they live in Him. 

Now, now, now eternity enters into the atmosphere and realm of mankind and shall judge each man’s work. If it is of the foundation of HaMaschiah (Christ), than it shall remain, all else is as sinking sand, beloved. The tried and true shall now receive their reward, the one of eternal life and the crowning of the crown of life for the overcomers as stated. It is they who loved not their lives, so they shall now find them, while they who held fast to false doctrine and chased after the things of this world will discover the futility in such a practice. 

I too tire of the lie regurgitated amongst them who use My Son’s name to uphold their sin. The law is eternal as Am I, beloved, and I have by no means abolished it, nor have I sanctioned the notion that man can live any way he pleases as long as he believes in Yahusha. As stated in the scriptures, the devil believes, but surely he does not live for Me. 

It’s time to set many a record straight and prepare My harvesters for duty. The lawlessness in the world is because it’s in the hearts of they who confess Yahusha with their mouths, but in their hearts remain the desire for the lawless things of the world. 

Paul taught and said, I beseech ye brethren by the mercies of God to present/offer yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service, yet many quote this scripture and understand not that it is a laid down life, the cross, an obedience to My law, My teaching, My ways, My instruction, My TORAH, says the Holy One of Israel.
Now is time for the harder lessons, for My children are stiff necked and hard headed. They readily conform to the world and whatever it presents. Even during what you call a pandemic so few came to Me to find out the truth and to inquire about how I would keep them free of compromise. I’m afraid if I not do what is required in this hour, they will also follow the system of the beast rising in their midst to their utter end. 

Desolations are determined and the hour now that eternity pierces this realm and I deal with mankind. The mouth of Yahuah has spoken it, and it won’t delay any longer.

End of word.

This word also confirms another received in June 2018. The link is listed below:



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