June 26, 2016 Tell my children that time is past. Many have exhausted the warnings and the messages I have given — even over the many years. For every mocker and backstabber who scorned and withheld from them I sent — those you should have and could have supported, encouraged or extended kindness — for sure you shall receive your due and just reward. Sowing long; over much time. Must not all receive according to what they have sown? Be reminded again — touch not them I show favor upon, for they were living examples among you. Just as you despised My Son Yahushua, so have you done to them. Even to the least of them, you do unto Me. Do you remember that in My word? For so many profess the word, but recognize it not in demonstration amidst them I sent to you. They became, that I might be the greater in them; yet you turned away, even when their need was in your hand, or words of encouragement in your mouth; choked back for the cruelty in your hearts.