
Showing posts from January, 2021

A TRUMPET: To the Wise and Repentant of Heart — A SOBER MESSAGE FOR A SOBER TIME!

From January 30, 2014 My Daughter, I know what it is you think of, of all your cares and concern. Why must it be this way, you ask? You ask it over and over again.  Look at the condition of My church. Look at the condition of the world. I did not create it to be this way. I created man to commune and fellowship with Me, yet now, they have left Me out of the equation to pursue the work of their own hands and the sore imaginations of their own heart — wicked heart.  I extend My hand and say, "Come," yet they cross their arms in utter rebellion and reject what I offer. How many times must I be ignored? Does it not grieve My heart that it is so? How long do I look upon the perverse doctrines they create and live by? How long do they make Me out to be a lie?


January 29, 2016 This morning while in prayer I had a series of visions. It wasn't until after prayer I realized how they fit together.  I was praying and saw a pair of feet standing at the bank of a body of water. The right foot lifted from the shore and proceeded to step forward. As the foot touched the waters, they began to part. Almost simultaneously, I saw the curtain (the veil) tear between what I knew was the Holy Place giving access to the Holy of Holies. As both ways opened up before me in the vision, a great light was revealed — the splendor and glory of the Lord. This scene repeated a couple of times. Then as I continued to pray, I encountered another vision. In this vision, the Lord began to reveal to me the process of a butterfly. I was reminded of the post, "It's Time to Fly Butterly."  

A TRUMPET: To the Wise and to the Foolish... TAKE UP A LAMENTATION

January 28, 2015 lamentation: (H7105: qiynah) lamentation, dirge, elegy, a mournful song. "My children do err and worship that which I instructed them nought. Each make and erect symbols to worship and call them by My name. How can this be so? How can it be? Am I the Holy One of Israel contained in the imaginations of man or the wanderings of their hearts? Am I who is Holy to be combined with that which is not?  How can we heal the loathsome sore among My people? Not only is the head sick, the whole body is sick and none are delivered. They continue in their weekly meetings and sideshows and think that I am present. They say I go into the presence of the LORD, but do I live within thee?  O' beloved, how deceived we've become. My people have gone a whoring and attribute My name to their harlotries. NO MORE. NO MORE. I HAVE SEEN IT, yet they think it hidden from Me. The tears of My beloved who loathe this world are before Me as well as the stench of what...


From January 19, 2015 This morning I had yet another brief dream. While in prayer, I received a word and have been instructed to share both.


  January 15, 2014 Daughter, I am governing over the matters and affairs of My people. I am taking My seat on the throne and bringing all things into subjection. It is My order, My plan that comes forth now. Those that are a part of My plan, who live in communion and walk in unison with Me, will eat the good of the land. It is I who maketh Mine rich in the midst of a famine. It is I who keepeth Mine safe in the midst of the storms. Fear not, My precious one, for what I have promised I will secure. 


January 3, 2015 With so many voices vying for attention, with so many words that are being uttered, I asked the Lord, to show me where we are. Many speak of great blessing, and God does desire, He greatly desires to bless His people, but not before He deals with what hinders the blessing — sin, adultery and idolatry — just as it was with Israel, so is it with Israel and the church. There is nothing new under the sun.  Oftentimes, the words, dreams, visions, and instructions to post them, are not easy to do. This is of His commission, not my own. The unpopular words and phrases are not of my choosing, nor any of His messengers who are called to such a task. Yet when we say "yes" to His will and not our own, we understand that this is bigger than us, and we do what thus saith the Lord.